Masaki Dental Clinic in Nagoya

JapanMasaki Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-1-5 Minamijūichibanchō, Minato Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 455-0006, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 52-653-8211
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1173787, Longitude: 136.8808544

kommentare 5

  • ai bara

    ai bara


    low touch screen

  • 岡田菜摘



    The doctor, dental hygienist, and receptionist all have a friendly atmosphere that makes me continue to visit. I am very happy that the time from coming to the hospital to being called to the treatment room has been significantly shortened compared to before! I look forward to working with you.

  • Yuka



    I go here for my 2-year-old child's fluoride and check-ups, and he always treats me with great care and kindness. My child doesn't cry all the time because I am treated kindly. The inside of the hospital is also clean and beautiful.

  • ろっきー



    I am being examined at regular checkups. I think he is a good dentist and his explanations are easy to understand. When I first started going to the clinic, I was on the verge of developing periodontal disease, but after brushing my teeth and paying attention to the instructions, things improved considerably.

  • すずきたかこ



    He is definitely a good dentist to visit. The reason is that the teacher is extremely kind, looks at the situation carefully, gives advice, and listens carefully. Easy to talk to 😌💓 The dental hygienists are also kind and polite. Dentists are scary! I'm nervous, but Masaki Dental is okay! ️ I have been going to the hospital for about 13 years.

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