Maruto Uchigo en Iwaki

JapónMaruto Uchigo



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Tsutsumida-118 Uchigōuchimachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 973-8404, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 246-27-3690
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.0374995, Longitude: 140.8527212

comentarios 5




    I felt so loved by the locals! ! Even though it's weekday morning There are quite a few customers! Popular bakery Hyakuyen There's also a sweets shop! ! It was lively! !

  • 海猫



    It was written on the Mercari website that you can pay with Merpay, so I decided to pay. At the cash register, there is a sign that says we can't do it ourselves. For some reason you can do it at the drug store (lol) I was confused, so I called later and asked about it, but we didn't have that kind of system in place here, so I kept repeating the same thing. I don't know what the difference is, but if the online information is wrong, wouldn't it be bad if the head office didn't tell them? I'm disappointed that we haven't been able to coordinate very well.

  • 笹錦



    At one time, there were a lot of evacuees, so I started going shopping in the evening and night, but when I did that, there was a shortage of supplies.

  • 遠藤真一



    This is a locally-based supermarket. It is a convenient store with many stores in the city.

  • K Dokurobe〜

    K Dokurobe〜


    The side dishes and meat are so boring. Top leaders, like civil servants, are too lax in their planning ideas, like a train running on rails. Sloppy.

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