marukyo @MATSUDA w Fukuoka

Japoniamarukyo @MATSUDA



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-14-22 Matsuda, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0064, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-612-3866
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6181259, Longitude: 130.4465131

komentarze 5

  • ほむほむになりたいみによん



    Marukyo's prices are typical of the average person, and I think they are one of the cheapest in the supermarket. Featured products are posted inside the store. The parking lot was in a state of being replaced. I don't want prices to go up for just the necessities we need to live.

  • ぽんゆき



    I can use NEXTpay, so I used it, but I was wondering why I was able to create a store that I really liked. Many of the vegetables were brought in by local farmers, and there were many side dishes as well. The store is spacious, and the store has been designed with careful consideration for the flow of people who move around with carts👍 Parking is also easy🚗³₃ I don't think the price is that cheap overall, but I'm sure I'll buy it again even without NEXTpay ❣️ The staff were smiling and made me feel good☺️ The only thing that bothered me was that the parking lot was quite dark after sunset.

  • 稗田向日葵



    It is high. Therefore, it is generally cheaper to go a little further and go to nearby Cosmos or other supermarkets. It's the level you go to when you're in trouble.

  • 中元静



    It feels like an old supermarket! It's not particularly cheap, and not everything is fresh! Sometimes it's like a sale, so there's only something cheap! The nearest supermarket is here, but I always go to a different one... I rarely go 😅

  • T・S静馬



    There is a parking lot for about 15 cars.It seems like it is a dedicated store in a residential area? We recommend products delivered directly from farmers! The fresh fish section and side dish corner seem to have a small selection of items 😖 I recommend the quince sweets in the 100 yen corner ♪ The cashier staff is very responsive 👩😄 It's a shame that you can only pay by cash because you can't pay by card or mobile phone 😔🙍

najbliższy Supermarket

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