HalloDay @ Jiromaru w Fukuoka

JaponiaHalloDay @ Jiromaru



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒814-0165 Fukuoka, Sawara Ward, Jirōmaru, 1-chōme−9−45 店内
kontakt telefon: +81 92-873-8666
strona internetowej: www.halloday.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5531265, Longitude: 130.3304682

komentarze 5

  • 田口将吾



    I often go there after work, but the man at the cash register today was very disappointing... I'm considering whether to go there in the future. sad… Don't throw items from the cash register into the cart! Why would you do that? I am very satisfied with the products in the store☺️

  • hiro kun

    hiro kun


    We have a wide selection of products. There is a Seven Bank ATM and a water vending machine, so you can use it for things other than shopping. Conveniently located near Jiromaru subway station. There is also a parking lot, which is very convenient. There is also a parking lot on the second floor of the store, so if you have trouble parking, please go there!

  • DS Han

    DS Han


    This is a supermarket focusing on local groceries that can be found right at Jiromaru Station. The types of natural sashimi that are not available in other supermarkets can be quite good. It seems that most people from nearby areas drive by car.

  • naohappy0616



    Since I was on my way home, I decided to take a detour. The BGM of the store is a bit stylish, but it's also extremely quiet. A person who just came in with me (with two people) said, ``Isn't this store really quiet? ” Well, this can be said about Helloday in general, but overall it is in a slightly higher price range. Anyway, there was a guy I liked, and it was half price, so I bought it, but I don't know if the guy at the cash register likes to talk... I did have one cheap item, but as soon as I finished handling the cashier, I was like, ``Is this really something that we absolutely have to talk about right now?'' '' I was talking to the cashier next to me, and I didn't feel very good about it. (Especially in this day and age where people are worried about spittle flying due to the coronavirus.)

  • oden fukanabe

    oden fukanabe


    A supermarket with a nice display. Credit cards can also be used. I manage my own points using a card with Rakuten Editor. I get the impression that the products are a little better than regular supermarkets. There's also a bakery inside, so you can buy freshly baked bread to take home with you. There are two parking lots: in front of the store and on the rooftop.

najbliższy Supermarket

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