Marui in Sanjo




🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-22-10 Nishiōsaki, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0033, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 256-39-1171
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.622185, Longitude: 138.985001

kommentare 5

  • 滝澤春恵



    There is a parking space for people with disabilities, and there is a beauty salon right next door. The side dishes are also delicious. The products are well laid out and easy to shop.

  • 池田和也



    The parking lot is spacious considering the size of the store. A cleaning shop is also located inside the store.

  • 桜花



    There are many collaborations with Seijo Ishii, and you can get products that are popular on SNS. I'm amazed at how products that are talked about or introduced on TV, etc., quickly appear in stores. I'm surprised that buyers often look at works such as ``Matsuko's Unknown World'' and ``Creating Housework.'' I think there are fewer items compared to the major supermarkets in the area, and I personally like this supermarket because it only has a small selection of items. The vegetables are very fresh, and the cashiers are very efficient and have a good reputation. Is stocking a full-time or part-time job? is it. Even when customers passed by, they didn't say ``Welcome'' or ``I'm sorry.'' It may not be possible to educate people to that extent, but if you're a normal member of society, you should be able to figure that out. If you want to work in the service industry, I want you to study that much before you start working. I think it's great that the store manager often displays items and talks to customers.

  • ビスタスティー



    The prices are a bit high, and the selection is not great. Also, the people in their 30s and 40s who were in the candy corner? There were male and female store clerks displaying products. There was no word of "Welcome". The female clerk didn't seem to notice me and went somewhere else, but the male clerk clearly noticed me but ignored me. Are you not seeing your customers? It makes me angry to think that I still get paid well.

  • 特盛卵



    It's convenient because it's open until 12pm. Fabric softener is cheap now.

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