カンダストアー(全日食チェーン) in Tsubame




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Japan, 〒959-0232 Niigata, Tsubame, Yoshidahigashisakaechō, 31−30 全日食チェーンカンダストア
kontakte telefon: +81 256-93-2548
webseite: kandastore-nty.jimdofree.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.681675, Longitude: 138.873514

kommentare 5

  • 6320 nx

    6320 nx


    This is an old-fashioned supermarket that retains the scent of the Showa era. The second floor seems to be used as a warehouse and for events. You can't expect discounts like at major supermarkets, but it has a unique taste. This is a supermarket with I've been shopping there regularly for quite some time now. Deli dishes may be hit or miss. There are some delicious side dishes, but the taste is bland and the batter is too oily. Sometimes there are things that are deeply saturated. Some of the vegetables are fresh, but in very rare cases there is a question mark as to their freshness. There are some things that come with it, so you need to be careful. The number of frozen foods available is small and is just a bonus. There are quite a few discounted products that are past their expiration dates, and they are over a few days old. Carefully select foods that you don't have to worry about and that are okay even if you exceed them a little. If you have a keen eye, you might be able to get some good deals. plug. (Although we do not guarantee it...)

  • ぽい



    I like seasoned fish and used to buy it often, but after it turned out to be rotten, I stopped going because I couldn't trust it.

  • 亀倉喜義



    I like the feel of the store that was in the old shopping district. I can't go to the fruit if I'm not careful, but there's a variety of fried foods.

  • ネムネムネムネム



    This is a supermarket that has been loved by local people for a long time. When local vegetables are available, they are fresh and cheap, such as 2 bunches of asparagus for 100 yen. Cabbage was on sale today for 50 yen. Homemade side dishes are also recommended. Simple home-cooked flavors change daily. If you make a reservation for a gathering, etc., we will prepare a lunch box according to your budget.

  • リラ5 :8]

    リラ5 :8]


    Kind staff! I want them to renovate because it's a community-based supermarket! A must-have for the elderly!

nächste Supermarkt

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