Marugame Seimen Kumamotomusashigaoka w Kumamoto

JaponiaMarugame Seimen Kumamotomusashigaoka



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-4-16 Musashigaoka, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-337-3388
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8560748, Longitude: 130.7773877

komentarze 5

  • 9 mahiro

    9 mahiro


    The udon is delicious and the customer service is good. There are a lot of them at lunchtime, but the rotation is good so it's not a big deal. I'd like to point out one thing that's not good: Is the entrance door pneumatic? I don't really know the cause, but it's kind of heavy lol

  • モズ



    【request】 I want takeout oyakodon The noodles are softer than other Marugame restaurants. All the tables are dirty every time, even when it's free or when it's crowded. Have them clean it frequently, or if that's not possible, leave them with a cloth or wet tissue. The oni grated meat bukkake is currently the most recommended.

  • 白撥中



    For dinner, I had the Tororo Soy Sauce Udon and Oyakodon🍴🙏 Since it was early in the evening, the store was reserved for private use😅 We recommend Marugame Seimen's udon such as zaru udon and bukkake cold udon 🙋 Oyakodon is a fluffy and delicious oyakodon made with udon soup 👌

  • 髙木秀典



    I tried "Meat Champon Udon". The volume was sufficient. The taste is ``hmmm''. Everyone has different taste preferences, so it's worth a try. I liked the regular udon better.

  • kingpin



    Great, much better than the one's in the UK by far.

najbliższy Restauracja

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