Marufuku en Kashihara




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒634-0837 Nara, Kashihara, Magarikawachō, 7-chōme−20−1 イオンモール橿原 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 744-24-0256
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5068983, Longitude: 135.7633273

comentarios 5

  • Kan



    As expected from a coffee specialty store, the coffee is rich and delicious😊 It has a slightly bitter taste! The atmosphere is a relaxing type, and even on the 2nd day of New Year's Day, I was able to relax ✌️ The pancakes are also baked in-store so they are delicious 🥞

  • クーちゃん



    This time I visited during the Black Friday period. I ordered the limited time black curry. It had really black curry and chunks of meat. It was rich and very spicy. I had cafe au lait as my after-meal drink. I stopped by for the first time in a while. I ordered the Marufuku Coffee Store successive logo pancake plate. It tasted nostalgic. The coffee is strong. It was empty, so I was able to relax.

  • 銀子



    Chestnut roll cake + cheesecake = ¥1100 Cake plate ¥1440 Sadly, when I went to get a parfait, all they had was a small strawberry one. The cake on the cake plate is coffee milk crepe Vertical sharpness is comfortable♫ Cheesecake and chestnut roll takeout. There were strawberry shortcakes, chocolate ones, and puddings. Cheesecake is rich and delicious.

  • S K

    S K


    There are several coffee shops including Starbucks inside Aeon Mall, but I decided to go here because I was drawn to the delicious-looking pancakes. I ordered a set of two small pancakes with neat squares of butter, seasonal fruit, traditional pudding, and a drink. The interior is classic and modern, with high ceilings and comfortable furnishings that make you want to stay for a long time. A refill of coffee costs 200 yen. It's a deep-roasted coffee with a strong flavor that goes well with sweets. The fruit was solid fresh fruit (maybe the small berries were frozen?) and it was filling and felt like a great deal.

  • 西吉明



    I ordered Marufuku Coffee and their new coffee canelé set for the first time in a while. The canelé had a texture similar to pound cake, and my wife thought it was delicious. Personally, I like it crispier.

Cafetería más cercano

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