Daisen Coffee en Sakai

JapónDaisen Coffee



🕗 horarios

81-2 Ōmino, Higashi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8126, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-239-2000
sitio web: daisencoffee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5223447, Longitude: 135.5337134

comentarios 5

  • 堺のひろちゃん



    Today, I went to eat breakfast in the morning!☺️ I went to the store early so it was empty and I enjoyed the relaxing time ☺️ I really wanted to eat boiled eggs, so I decided to watch it in the morning, which is a classic.☺️ It was very delicious✨ I will go again if I have time☺️ Thank you for the meal✨

  • 中里豊史郎



    I went there once when I returned home from Okayama, and this time I returned here after retiring and visited here for the first time in three years. I went there after 11 o'clock and it was very crowded, probably because it was the Obon holiday.😳😳❗ I felt that it was still a popular store. Today, my wife ordered a salmon croissant sandwich, I ordered a large shrimp fried dog, and the freshly fried cutlet sandwich was individually ordered and shared. Everything was very delicious, and the daily coffee ☕ was probably ●Rwandan❓🤔•••It was also rich and delicious😋. The relaxing space was also nice 😃 Now that I'm back here, I would like to go again when I have time.

  • よっこ



    Starting the morning... There are so many sets that I get confused. The inside of the store is spacious and relaxing. The coffee was also delicious. Are cookies sold in the store? There were many kinds of coffee. Refills for coffee are a good deal. I had two drinks. (*^^*)

  • 名無しMa



    This is a shop that caught my attention every time I passed by on the bus. I visited for the second time during my weekday lunch time. This time, I ate a BLT sandwich. I was surprised to feel a tingling sensation in my mouth. Mustard mayo was used. I was surprised when I ate it because it wasn't listed on the menu. It was delicious.

  • gons yu

    gons yu


    March 2024 This is my first visit to the store. This store can only be reached by car. Closing time is 7pm. I arrived at 17:30, and there were only two other customers, so it was relaxing. Last order is 18:00 and payment is made via PayPay at 18:03. I'm glad they have magazines. Ordered shrimp bread, gateau chocolate, and baked cheesecake. Everything is delicious. The coffee has just the right amount of bitterness and is delicious to your liking. I want to relax while reading a magazine. I will definitely go again.

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