Maruei Yahatadaiten i Arao

JapanMaruei Yahatadaiten



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-6-1 Hachimandai, Arao, Kumamoto 864-0164, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 968-68-0030
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.9644444, Longitude: 130.4833333

kommentar 5

  • 津留秀治



    This Maruei is the worst No discounts even if the expiration date is just around the corner! The product was thrown away regardless of the expiration date!

  • 円たん555



    Boiled squid🦑 Is it rotten? I don't think that's possible. How many days should I leave it? Does it rot?

  • ひーちゃん



    Vegetables are kept by nearby producers and sold at low prices. The shop is small, but they have plenty of vegetables.

  • シシユ



    Is it true that the vegetables that are labeled as not using pesticides or fertilizers in the direct sales section of agricultural products? Who confirmed this? ️ Vegetables grow properly without fertilizers ⁉ ️ Some stores are silently condoning them ⁉️ This is simply an attempt to sell at a higher price and advantage than other producers, and it is an unreliable display that no one has verified. ️💢😠💢 I would like them to be properly displayed in the format of the pesticide and fertilizer display guidelines set by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ️As a consumer!! ️ When I went there for the first time in a while, the drug store was gone. The direct sales corner for agricultural products was once small, but now it's back to its original size, which is nice. The direct sales corner sometimes has things that aren't available at the supermarket, so I look forward to that as well. Store-bought vegetables are cheap. Sashimi and sushi are 50 yen off in the evening, or half price, and side dishes are half price, which is a great deal. Parking lot is small. It's hard to park when there's a sale. There is also a 100 yen corner, so you can buy small everyday items. The toilet is located in the center back of the store, so there was no leakage.

  • mari u

    mari u


    Since it's in my neighborhood, I use it often, but I don't think it's a very good store... Most of the older ladies are friendly, but the younger ones are unfriendly, and they talk a lot while working at the cash register, which is terrible. When the child returns the change, it is handed to them as if they are throwing it, which makes them feel very bad (´・ω・`;) Also, if you don't carefully select your vegetables, you'll often end up with damaged tomatoes, such as mold growing on the stems or attracting insects. I didn't check the expiry date for other sweets when I bought them, and I ended up buying items that were about a year past their expiry date twice. Elderly people may not have access to food and may be using nearby supermarkets, or they may have poor eyesight, which may make it difficult for them to choose fresh vegetables. So, if the store staff doesn't check the vegetables, meat, and fish every day and throw away the items that have lost their freshness, I feel like food poisoning will eventually occur :( ;´꒳`;): If you look closely at raw meat, even though it's packaged, it's dry and discolored, so I don't think it's hygienic.

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