Maruei i Tamana




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3858 Yokoshimamachi Yokoshima, Tamana, Kumamoto 865-0072, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 968-84-2291
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.877425, Longitude: 130.558976

kommentar 5

  • 下田康司



    I bought beef cutlets and pork belly at Maruei Yokoshima store, grilled them, and ate them, and they were delicious😋 I treated my father ahead of time for Father's Day, and he was happy...🙌😅

  • m19style V2 (m19style)

    m19style V2 (m19style)


    Product lineup and display are not all that good. This is the only supermarket in the area, so I think the locals have no choice but to buy it.

  • 裕美(むつごろどん)



    I usually use it for shopping for dinner. There are plenty of side dishes, and the vegetables and fish are fresh. Empty boxes are also conveniently placed at the entrance instead of shopping bags.

  • Crescent Ma

    Crescent Ma


    This is a locally owned store. I'll take a look when I go to my parents' house. A box of cherry tomatoes costs 600 yen, and a box of Shine Muscat costs 1,500 yen. Shine Muscat was about 3,000 yen in Fukuoka, and about 5,000 yen at a department store, and the size and sugar content was about 5,000 yen. When I got home and measured my sugar level, I was surprised to find it was 18 degrees.

  • KumamonTaroo



    Since it's the home of strawberries, it's definitely 20-30% cheaper. I think ``Amaou'' is 40-50% cheaper than supermarkets in Kumamoto city. Vegetables are also cheap in this high price market, and meat and fish are usually good quality. It was my first time going to Maruei, but I will be coming back again! February 2023 The Yokoshima Strawberry Marathon was held. I couldn't put it in YBOX, so I went to Maruei. As always, fruits including strawberries are cheap. The meat, including Ajisai beef, and the fish are also good!

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