イワサキ·エース 琴平店 en Kumamoto

Japónイワサキ·エース 琴平店



🕗 horarios

7-1 Kotohirahonmachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0814, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-363-1088
sitio web: iwasaki-ace.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.788488, Longitude: 130.70668

comentarios 5

  • kyouko higuchi

    kyouko higuchi


    Mr. Nomoto's ``Katsu Umeboshi'' is on display, and that alone is enough to give me a ★5 rating. In addition, they have Yebisu miso teron, Ikedaya miso teron, Ikeda koji amazake teron, Kuma mushy yogurt teron (I don't remember the name), Murakamiya karashi lotus teron, and Horinoen tea leaf terron (honorific titles omitted). ) Thank you very much It seems that H○day and Y○ume cannot handle it, so I have to go there regularly.

  • S-ma



    It's a small supermarket, and it's generally expensive, so I use it when I don't have something, and when there's a special sale on rice, tofu, natto, etc. The response from all the store staff is really good! You can meet the handsome store staff after 4pm♪

  • フレディ



    About a month ago, I went shopping while holding my 7-month-old child. It was raining and it was getting dark on my way home when I was cycling, so when I was in trouble, a female store clerk quickly tore open a nylon bag and placed it over my basket in the bicycle parking lot outside. It was very helpful to hear that you told me that when your children were small, you had a lot of trouble riding your bicycle with your child in front of you. I felt good when I left because the person at the cash register was so kind. thank you very much.

  • Sayuko T

    Sayuko T


    Fresh vegetables, fish and meat! They offer quality meat at a cheap price

  • AkirAnkAアキランカ



    Right in front of the elementary school supermarket. It's convenient to have it. That's what I thought. It was a lively and beautiful place. I bought a lunch box 🍱 for lunch.

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