Marronier w Kobe




🕗 godziny otwarcia

ラム三宮ビル, 2F, 2-chōme-2-1 Sannomiyachō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5462-2444
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.6897, Longitude: 135.192

komentarze 5

  • うしこ



    ⁡At Le Restaurant Marronnier near Daimaru⁡ ⁡We had a wedding anniversary lunch! ⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡The food was so delicious that I had never tasted it before and I was so impressed! ⁡ ⁡The first organic carrot mousse consommé jelly was especially delicious. ⁡⁡ ⁡The 4 types of pairing wines were great because you could enjoy a variety of wines. ⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡The cake was wrapped in candy and appeared together with a music box. ⁡The delicacy of the candy work was truly amazing. ⁡⁡ Added some wonderful memories! ⁡ ⁡Thank you for the meal.

  • _reno kei

    _reno kei


    I've been here for lunch several times. The interior of the store has a luxurious feel, so you can have lunch in a relaxed manner 🎵 The main meat was delicious and had no odor. Both the appetizers and desserts were delicious! Everything is delicious and makes you feel happy when you eat it. I would like to visit you again on a regular basis!

  • Sa Na

    Sa Na


    When you think of Kobe French, This is my first visit to Marronnier that comes to mind. This time I visited for dinner. I arrived a little early, but I was shown to my seat right away. I received it as a course. My companion had the filet mignon 1.5 times larger lol. I'm the type of person who can be satisfied with a course meal. The amount can be adjusted to suit the person I'm really happy ☺️ The appetizer is organic carrot mousse The sweetness of carrots matches the consommé jelly. It was delicious. The sweet shrimp inside the mousse was also plump. I enjoyed the different textures and flavors. Fish dishes Poiled flounder Creamy with chorizo ​​and red bean liver sauce It was finished. This is also accented with monkfish liver. The sauce and flounder matched well. The meat is beef fillet There should be a 1.5 times difference between me and my companion. One potion has already been added There is a difference of about 2 times It looked like it was lol (The photo is normal size) The meat has just the right amount of red and is tender and satisfying. Finally, the dessert Orange meringue and ice cream The brownie is made up of layers It was carefully made. As time passed, the seats became nearly full. So I think reservations are necessary. I would love to visit you again♪

  • Örn



    This restaurant is a great french dishes restaurant. So beautiful and delicate meals are there. I love this restaurant.

  • Stan Hutchings

    Stan Hutchings


    The best foie gras and chocolate-filled cake since I was in France 11 years ago. The beef was delicious, cooked perfectly, tender and tasty. All of the courses were beautiful to behold as well as delicious to eat. A wonderful experience.

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