マリカー 秋葉原1号 en Chiyoda-ku

Japónマリカー 秋葉原1号



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 4 Chome−12, 千代田区外神田4丁目12−9
contactos teléfono: +81 80-9999-2525
sitio web: akihabara.maricar.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7024717, Longitude: 139.7734104

comentarios 5

  • R. Scott Clark

    R. Scott Clark


    By far the best way to explore the city! Be sure to take the Rainbow Bridge tour! Bring your own Bluetooth speaker though for Mario Kart music, as the shop only had one and it was broken. Our tour guide was awesome, fun and a very safe and professional driver. Would definitely do this again!

  • Charitha Sathkumara

    Charitha Sathkumara


    This looked fun on the internet, but I was blown away by how exciting it actually was! We were nervous to drive in Japan, but the tour guides made it safe and easy. We did the night time Akihabara A1M course, which took about 2hrs. They just charged the discounted "social network service (SNS) review price" straight away, no verification required. Employees were nice and professional, as well as friendly, regular human beings that you can talk to. Be sure to get your international driving permit before you book. They ask to see photos when you book. I recommend this tour whether or not you like video games! It was a great way to experience Tokyo! Be sure to wear a face mask to prevent breathing in go-kart exhaust fumes and dust!

  • Jade Mills

    Jade Mills


    Amazing way to see Tokyo city if you have a few hours to spare. The staff are great and very helpful. The Go-Karts are fun as. Make sure you have both your passport and International Driving Permit to be able to drive. Make sure you check it out. Would definitely do it again!

  • Alana Hill

    Alana Hill


    Don’t miss the Rainbow Bridge! Seriously so fun. We did a night tour and it was so exciting! Our guide, Hun, was so friendly and perfect! The pictures during the night tour weren’t as nice as I’ve seen for the day tours, but the experience was amazing!

  • Ramona Munteanu

    Ramona Munteanu


    This is THE best thing to do in Tokyo. Do not skip it!!! If you're here for just a day, book ahead of time and make sure you do it! The guys running it are amazing and the tour is just out of this world so much fun! I'm still smiling days later! You just must do it!!! 😃 If you're coming from abroad, make sure to have an international driving license (CAA does them in Canada and they're not expensive) so you are legal to drive in Japan. You will be driving on public roads, though you have a guide so no need to worry about where you're going, as you're travelling as a group (which is even more fun). Oh, and be prepared to be in a lot of tourist (and locals) photos and videos as the group is quite a fun sight to see on the roads 😁

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