Akiba Cart en Chiyoda-ku

JapónAkiba Cart



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Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 2 Chome−4−6 ビルディング・ササゲ B1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6206-4752
sitio web: akibanavi.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.699517, Longitude: 139.768927

comentarios 5

  • Edward Smithwick

    Edward Smithwick


    Brilliant experience. Book at sunset! We had a guided tour.

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    Mitch Burns


    Worth every penny. I don't think there is a better way to get a tour of tokyo

  • Jun Cheng Ng

    Jun Cheng Ng


    Must try this at Tokyo! The experience is superb where you can actually drive it on the road with tokyo traffic, just make sure you have International driving license before you go. The guide is friendly and speak English, worth to visit and try it out!

  • Kyoko Nagano

    Kyoko Nagano


    Cheaper than Maricart - you can request where you want to visit and get discount by liking / checking in Facebook page! 2 hours ride with a guide - it was around 4600 yen

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    Ignatius Ng


    The guide was fantastic. It was a thrilling and memorable experience. He made sure we were safe and went at a good pace. We could store our bags there. He brought us to known sights and helped us to take many photos along the way. He is well versed in English. 🤗

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