Mandai Toyonaka Honan i Toyonaka

JapanMandai Toyonaka Honan



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3-chōme-1-20 Hōnanchōhigashi, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0814, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6334-7800
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7506889, Longitude: 135.4838771

kommentar 5

  • 西さやか



    When I buy a bento box, I often find that the rice is cooked unevenly and is sticky or has a core that makes it look like lumpy clay. There is an elderly couple who shoplift regularly at the store, and the husband in particular is often seen wandering around the store empty-handed and stuffing small items such as juice and seasonings into his clothes. . After putting it inside his clothes, he left the store as if nothing had happened, hid it in his car in the parking lot, then returned to the store and shoplifted the item as if nothing had happened. The wife may assist the husband in shoplifting, or may purchase and pay for items while the husband shoplifts. I told the store staff, but it doesn't seem like they are taking any precautions, and no one says anything and just pretends not to see anything. Why are security cameras installed? The prices of products often go up, and I feel bad because it seems like the customers who pay the bills are forced to pay because of the shoplifting couple. I feel that stores lack common sense when they allow shoplifters to run wild, and I am horrified that even though it is a local store, it has become a hotbed for crime.

  • 辻井俊



    We have a sale called Moon Market on the 1st of every month. I also use fresh food because I feel it is of good quality and cheaper than other options. There is a 100 yen shop (Seria) and a drug store attached, making it very convenient. Also worth mentioning is the security guard at the parking lot. He guided me really well and I am grateful for his help every time. Thank you for your hard work.

  • 김진



    Always fun to visit the supermarket. It seemed like a typical Japanese mid-sized supermarket, and there was no shortage of seafood, meat, vegetables, alcohol, sauces, etc.

  • Duc Long Tran

    Duc Long Tran



  • Che Che Jumamoy

    Che Che Jumamoy


    It was very a convenient for me because their products are very much affordable and their staffs are very kind and helpful especially to us who just came here in Japan to work .

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