Mame-tanuki i Hatsukaichi




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宮島商店街, 1133 Miyajimachō, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0588, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 829-44-2152
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.2986185, Longitude: 132.3216034

kommentar 5

  • Tiger Zhen

    Tiger Zhen


    In mid of the shopping street, hiding behind a raccoon photo board. aniko don cost around 3000 yan, which is average price for a tourist busy area.

  • Ilar Edun

    Ilar Edun


    Can’t express how much my partner and I enjoyed our meal (and sake flights) here! Do yourself a favor and order one of the combos - they come with rice, miso soup with clams, salad, and multiple small sides in addition to the entree. The staff was friendly and menus were available in English (which is a plus; it’s not something I’d take away a star for). After hiking up to see the views at the observatory, this was a true delight. We only wish we had more time here!

  • Andy Jeffries

    Andy Jeffries


    Had two evening meals here. It was very good. Ramen, gyozo, roast beef on rice ribs,and yakatori chicken. Beers sake tasters and plum wine tasters. And everything was delicious. So nice we returned for 2nd night.

  • Jeroen De Mey

    Jeroen De Mey


    This place was one of the last remaining restaurants open at 19:00. Quick and friendly service. Delicious food, most of the menu I hadn't seen in other places in Japan yet. Can't go wrong having lunch or dinner here.

  • NNchan



    I searched for lunch on Google maps and found one restaurant I was interested in, but it closed that day. I searched for a new restaurant, which is this restaurant. I waited in the queue for 25 minutes, but it was okay for me because I walked along the street and bought some snacks during waiting. The oyster rice set was really good. The oyster was juicy, fresh, and sweet, topped on rice with some sauce which made this dish perfect. The fried oyster set was also delicious. I recommend this restaurant if you want to eat oyster rice with a good atmosphere.

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