Mai子ども・デンタルルーム en Hamamatsu




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5247-1 Maisakachō Maisaka, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-0211, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-597-0330
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6843466, Longitude: 137.6196472

comentarios 5

  • けんけんぱ



    During the treatment, my child cried a lot, but as soon as he turned 3 years old, we started separating him from the parent and child, and he was afraid to go into the room by himself, so he cried even louder and became violent and was taken away. His voice echoed throughout the hospital, so I'm sure he was going wild during the treatment. I'm sorry for that, but children are also scared of treatment, and even though they're doing their best to attend treatment, several of the office staff are giggling at their crying and violent outbursts. It happened every time and it was just uncomfortable, so I had to transfer my child to another hospital, but at the new dental clinic, the child was treated separately at his own pace, and now he can go into the room by himself without crying. The best thing to do is to understand that it is good and bad to separate parents and children at the age of 3, and to treat the child in a way that is appropriate for the child.

  • なんちきがえる



    It was difficult to take X-rays on a child who had just turned one year old because he was so violent, and it was a mystery that the mother had to forcefully hold him down by herself. I saw it and asked for help. When I talked to a friend who has been a dental hygienist for 20 years and has been working in a pediatric dentistry office, he said, ``We don't take X-rays on children who just turned one year old.'' There was no explanation as to why the photo was taken. (I think there are different policies regarding X-rays depending on the clinic.) I requested a medical examination and fluoride application, but there was no explanation as to whether or not there were cavities in my mouth. I asked this before paying the bill. The important thing is fluoride next time. I felt that there was a lack of explanation and confirmation at key points. The dental hygienist lacked confidence from beginning to end, which made me anxious. It's a shame because my own philosophy and policy were that weaning food should be recommended according to each child's oral growth status and that posture is important.

  • まころん。



    This was my child's first dentist visit, and I looked at the reviews on Google and the website. He was a very enthusiastic and good teacher. He explained to me in detail things I didn't understand and things I was worried about. They gave me samples and paper balloons, and they were so kind to my children that I decided to use them as a regular in the future!

  • Yuki Mae

    Yuki Mae


    The explanation is concise and easy to understand. When I needed oral surgery treatment, I was reassured as a parent that the patient explained the procedure thoroughly. The doctors, hygienists, and receptionists are all cheerful and pleasant. (However, I don't originally expect hospitals to have a "comfortable feel"...) I am grateful for this because it makes children and their parents more aware of their teeth. Children also enjoy attending.

  • ことら



    My 5-year-old daughter was afraid of the dentist and couldn't have her cavities treated, but she happily went to this dental clinic that was introduced to her by a friend's mother. My teacher is an older woman with a sharp and husky voice. Even though my daughter was not good at treatment, the staff encouraged her by saying, ``Let's do our best together.'' There is even a dietitian who provides thorough guidance on prevention and nutritional education, and I get the feeling that she really loves children and treatment, so I plan to continue caring for her even though she is visiting from outside the prefecture. Masu. I was happy that I had found a really good teacher, but I was surprised to see so many bad reviews.

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