喫茶clover w Utsunomiya



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1041-49 Himuromachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-3232, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-4373-0968
strona internetowej: www.instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.5354268, Longitude: 140.0052738

komentarze 5

  • あんぱん



    I came to the store for a large strawberry parfait 🍓 (reservation required if ordering a large one) I arrived much earlier than my reservation time, but they were kind and started making the parfait (´;ω;`) I was able to enjoy delicious food in a relaxing atmosphere. The staff were also very kind and friendly ✨️ I would love to go again!

  • Suzuka Aoi

    Suzuka Aoi


    Located in Hikarigaoka Danchi in Utsunomiya City. It's a quiet cafe 🙂 Nostalgic melodies were playing inside the store... Generations are sure to listen to it 😄 Wonderful sweets come out every now and then I look forward to visiting it from time to time. The plates are wonderful 🥰

  • 双子パンダ



    I had Soldam shaved ice on a hot day at the beginning of summer! That taste is nostalgic for the Showa generation. . . It's like a super high-end version of the apricot sticks you used to buy at candy stores. Ah, I'm glad I'm an adult. delicious~! And it's handmade. You can enjoy it without feeling immoral. lol It had a taste that made me want to eat it again. The owner is very kind and has a relaxing atmosphere. I wonder if it's easy to get entangled with some sticky people? ? ? The average price is said to be 10,000 yen, but that is a lie; it was a pure cafe with a fair taste and price.

  • まり



    A nice shop located in a quiet housing complex 💓 The homemade desserts and meals are delicious 😋 Since one person is in charge, there may be some waiting time, but you can have a relaxing time 👍 Desserts made with seasonal fruits are my favorite.This year, we've started making shaved ice🍧, and all the syrups are homemade.It's hot, so you'll want to eat it!

  • 美佳



    I love the atmosphere inside the store and the owner. Lunch time is long, so you can feel at ease. Desserts are also delicious. The menu changes every month, so you can enjoy both dishes and desserts.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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