旅館 華杏 弥太楼 宗像 en Fukutsu

Japón旅館 華杏 弥太楼 宗像


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530-2 Katsuura, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 811-3521, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 940-62-3282
sitio web: www.hanaanzu.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8411809, Longitude: 130.4822179

comentarios 5

  • 麻生辰廣



    The view of the Genkai Sea and the horizon from this stage looks like a painting. I used it the other day for my grandson's first meal, and the food and sashimi were fresh and satisfying.

  • nori nori

    nori nori


    The sea bream was thick, chewy, and delicious😋🍴💕 The braised fish and garnish were also delicious. Unfortunately, our room did not have a view of the ocean, but the service was good.

  • くみぞ



    Used at memorial services. Anyway, the food was served slowly. I could tell that the restaurant was busy because there were many names of people who had made reservations at the entrance, but I got the impression that the staff in the kitchen were not keeping up with their customers. I would like the staff to adjust the reservation so that they can respond properly. The customer service staff is also irritated and makes it difficult to ask for help. I was also concerned about the fact that he was cleaning up the dishes by clanking them when he was serving the meal. If you're going to charge a service fee, please treat your customers accordingly. The sashimi was delicious, but the rest was average. The tempura was completely cold and the quantity was small overall. The organizer apparently tried to raise the price by one notch, but the store apparently said that raising the price by one notch would only add one more item, and that the current status was sufficient. The quantity was small. If the taste is delicious even with a small amount, I'll agree. Considering the taste, quantity, and service, it's not worth the price. I don't think I will visit again.

  • 柴田数徳



    The food was very delicious, but I would have liked to have enjoyed it more slowly and calmly. The dishes came out one after another, and I was very disappointed that I didn't have time to enjoy each dish. The seafood was very good, but I was dissatisfied with the content and quantity of the tempura and desserts. The sea was right outside the window, the weather was nice, and the view was amazing.

  • 美味い!!いちご飴



    The staff's response is wonderful. Right in front of the beach, perfect for families with children. The hot spring water is hot, but it feels good. Seafood is fresh and delicious. We also accommodate dietary requests. Previously, when I posted a review of Jalan, they sent me a thank you letter and a souvenir, which I was very impressed with. I'll visit you again!

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