LUfuS w Fujieda




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1-chōme-7-34 Koishigawachō, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0033, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-639-5513
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.8529917, Longitude: 138.2577972

komentarze 5

  • 杉本厚代



    I went there for lunch for the first time in years. It was around 11:30, but the parking lot was already full and there was only one car left. It was nice to share the ride with a friend. I didn't make a reservation, but I was lucky that there were seats available. The corn pasta lunch was very delicious. Both the quiche and quinoa appetizers are colorful and full of vegetables, making them visually appealing.

  • k k

    k k


    There were cafes, beauty salons, and other shops that would appeal to women. Pasta lunch was very delicious The entrance was from the side, not the front of the street. They also sold delicious-looking edible tea. I would like to go again when I have time to try out the head spa for 500 yen.

  • t machi

    t machi


    I went alone for lunch, and it was easy to get into. The food is delicious and the staff are nice.

  • M H

    M H


    The parking lot is spacious and easy to park no matter which direction you come from. There are two locations across the store. The menu is slightly different from what is shown in the reviews on Google Maps. The entrance is a bakery, so you might think you made a mistake, but if you go inside, you'll find Rufus. (I didn't understand, so I asked the staff at the bakery and she guided me. Thank you very much!) You take your seat and a staff member comes to you and gives you cutlery and towels. The style is to go get the water yourself. This time I made it a counter. It was so cute to see a (fake) little bird playing hide and seek in the big tree in front of me ^^ I’m glad the Halloween decorations weren’t too noisy 😆 The water comes in orange & rosemary flavor and lemon & mint flavor, and the fruit is actually in the tank, so it looks beautiful and has a delicious flavor. If you have allergies, be careful, but there's no problem as they also have plain water! I ordered a salad plate. The set drink came with a drink, so I ordered homemade fruit vinegar. This time it's apples and berries. Sweet and sour and delicious! And the main salad plate! The bowl is deep and contains more than it looks! Red and yellow bell peppers, chickpeas, lettuce, purple cabbage... I used Rufus' original dressing for the dressing. It goes well with smoked salmon and boiled eggs as toppings! Delicious! Minestrone had sticky barley in it. Since it was soft, I didn't have to worry about the graininess, and it was refreshing. I heard that you can get a cake set for an additional 400 yen when you finish eating and have the dishes taken away, but I decided against it this time. I brought a turtle-shaped tree instead of a bill. cute! There were cakes in the showcase next to the cash register, and they all looked delicious. The total cost was around 500 to 700 yen, so I realized then that it would have been a better deal to order the cake set 🥲I will order it next time! When I added it to LINE, I was told that I could get two slices of bread with fresh cream mixed in or Japanese bread made with domestic wheat, so I added it right away! A stamp was added on LINE. If you collect 5, you can receive Rufus' original dressing of your choice on the salad plate. It was delicious, so I definitely want to save it, and I hope you will! I'll be back again, sorry for the long post! ☺️




    I went to eat with my mother after being recommended by a senior colleague. (a nice place) ★The staff was very kind and helpful, and although it was my first time here, I would like to thank them for explaining the menu carefully. ★As soon as I entered the store, I was served a healthy drink called "Sanzashi α". ★Since the store opened in March, the facility was very clean. ★The menu had pictures and was easy to read. ★I was surprised that it wasn't just water, but water with flavor. ★The meals and desserts were stylishly arranged and delicious. ★I shared the meal with my mother, and she was kind enough to provide us with extra spoons and forks. ★I was told that the dessert was supposed to be one of three, but after I talked to the staff, I was able to eat all three without making a disgusted face. (I'm paying for that.) ★I think it's reasonably priced if it comes out as a course and costs less than 2,000 yen. ★I thought it was fashionable to take out a dog doll instead of a receipt when paying the bill. ★When I registered as a LINE friend, I received three pieces of bread from the bakery "Ippondo." ★The parking lot is wide and easy to park! (Points of concern) ▲I came around the time the restaurant opened, so it was empty, but the meal was a little slow, probably because it was a course meal. ▲For a moment, I didn't know where to eat because it was also used as a hair salon. (The store clerk kindly guided me.)

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