茶房華蔵 w Fujieda




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-6-48 Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0025, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-641-0386
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8720557, Longitude: 138.2564362

komentarze 5

  • ko



    The store had a very nice atmosphere both inside and outside. There are about 4 parking spaces in front of the store. Easy to park and get out. I had chiffon cake and coffee. The chiffon cake was fluffy and the cream was just the right amount of sweetness. They also have a lunch menu, so I think I'll try it for lunch next time.

  • たっつぁん



    This is a hidden cafe ☕️ located in a quiet residential area near Fujieda-juku from Tokaido. The master's handmade coffee ☕️ is the best! ️ Blend is the standard, but Kilimanjaro is recommended. All of the cake sets, including Mont Blanc and Matcha Chiffon, are the best! ️

  • かよこ



    The interior of the store, which is a renovated warehouse, is a very cozy space and was very nice ☺︎ The coffee and roll cake were also very delicious and I was very satisfied.

  • P



    A cafe that I wanted to visit again after a long time. The feel of the brewery, the owner and his wife Very nice. It was a very nice and cozy cafe. This is recommended for those who want to spend a quiet time.

  • Sagit tarius

    Sagit tarius


    I visited for the purpose of seeing the exhibition on the second floor. The exterior uses a warehouse and has a very elegant atmosphere. I went into the store thinking that the flowers were well taken care of and beautiful. It has the feel of an old-fashioned pure coffee shop, and the various items on display, perhaps the owner's hobby, are pleasing to the eye. For the meal, I ordered an omelet rice lunch. Salad and dessert were also included. We enjoyed the carefully brewed coffee. It felt like I could relax in a calm atmosphere.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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