Lucy’s Bakery i Yokohama

JapanLucy’s Bakery



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11-1 Tsutsujigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0055, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 45-530-9911
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Latitude: 35.5403348, Longitude: 139.5203368

kommentar 5

  • Josh Graham

    Josh Graham


    The correct way to eat at Lucy’s is to order a slice of apple pie, heated up with ice cream and your favourite coffee. They do good cappuccinos. I eat here almost every day I’m in Japan. I haven’t been able to find better apple pie anywhere in the world. Edit 1: 3 years later and their apple pie is still amazing. Edit 2: I've been coming here now for 10 years (they just celebrated their 10 year anniversary and it is still has the best apple pie I've ever tasted, depending on the season they might have apple crumble which is also legendary (get the crumble with ice cream and whipped cream, it's a great combo. The whipped cream doesn't go well with the apple pie though, stick to just ice cream). *Note you have to ask for the pie to be heated up* I must have come here 50+ times now and have never been disappointed. It's in the middle of nowhere but if you do decide to come out here there are a few other gems you could try out Yawaragi is a 10/10 lunch option (, and a few more minutes walk Cafe Do Almiro is a cute *cash only* coffee place ( If you can't make it out here, they also sell their pies here and here (haven't been to either personally)

  • Mikael Wijaya

    Mikael Wijaya


    Price for cakes are more on the premium side but it's worth it. Tried the apple crumble pie and it's filled to the brim with apples and the crunchy crumble, very tasty and not too sweet as the sourness of the apples are perfect. Coffee, cookies, and biscuits are reasonably priced as well. The place is also comfortable with American country music radio, and free Wi-Fi.

  • Justin Shircliff

    Justin Shircliff


    This place belongs to a group of restaurants including Troubadour, Bubble Over, and Byrd’s Pizza and Ribs. They are all a semblance of an American diner and they’ve absolutely nailed it. The pie here was so good, and I highly recommend the apple crumble. A taste of home for sure.

  • Matthew Stovall

    Matthew Stovall


    A food driven date day with my wife led to this gem of a pie shop/bakery. We tried the cheesecake and the apple crumble with ice cream. Both were delicious. They also have good coffee. I’ll definitely be visiting again in the future!!

  • Tomoko. M

    Tomoko. M


    Huge cake selection such as key lime cake, cherry pie, pecan pie and so on. Especially I like Oreo chocolate cake. It is delicious and I'm pretty sure everyone loves it. If you're in for a sugary treat, buy one of these cakes. Price is a bit high though.

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