龍盛菜館 川崎駅前店 i Kawasaki

Japan龍盛菜館 川崎駅前店



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18-1 Ekimae Honchō, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 44-221-6408
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Latitude: 35.5327583, Longitude: 139.6997291

kommentar 5

  • yasai tomato (gyabo-yasai-kumaashi)

    yasai tomato (gyabo-yasai-kumaashi)


    It's not on the top menu, but the beef rice (like beef rice with red bean paste) here is overwhelmingly delicious. The photo is of the beef rice I have eaten here from 2020 to 2023. When I first ate it, it seemed like there were ginger and other seeds used to make this beef filling, but lately I don't think there are any, so maybe the method of making it has changed. However, the flavor and quality have not changed. I've been busy lately so I haven't been able to go, but please stop by again. It is unknown whether there is a parking lot. I don't smoke, but it seems like smoking is allowed in all seats.

  • Sayalog



    A reasonable Chinese restaurant near Kawasaki Station! A shop I casually visited Large volume and reasonably priced It was a delicious Chinese restaurant...! [What I ate] ○Gomoku hard yakisoba ¥850 Served quite piping hot. I have a cat tongue, so at first I started drinking water. I desperately needed it. Lots of vegetables, lots of noodles, and a strong flavor. Medium-thick noodles with a diameter of about 2.3 mm The length is about 1-3cm. I wonder if it's cut into pieces so it's easy to eat? ○6 grilled gyoza pieces ¥450 I had it with vinegar and pepper. Thin and chewy, Thick gyoza with lots of meat. 6 pieces, more than enough volume...! ○Egg seaweed soup I received this as a service. Maybe it's because I didn't order a drink... Thank you…! It also contains tofu and is thick. The soup was warm and delicious. 【shop】 ・1-2 minutes walk from Keikyu Kawasaki Station A certain shop. Visited after 8pm on weekdays. The restaurant has a 50% vacancy rate and the counter is full. -Customer demographic is from 30s to 50s, with many office workers. The only customers were me and about 2 other people. There were several groups having a drinking party. Is the clerk from China? The customer It seemed like only Japanese people were there that day. ・Smoking is allowed in all seats, but if a smoker happens to There was no smell of cigarettes, probably because no one was there. The smell of cigarettes does not permeate the store. It was good. ・There is also a set menu in the evening, so you can eat alone. And of course, it's also a convenient place for drinking parties. 【Use scene】 ・Alone… ○ ・Group… ○ ・Date… △ ・Girls’ night out… △ -------------------- *The contents listed are as of the date of visit or posting date. Please check the store's official page for the latest information.

  • 會凌



    If you want to eat Chinese food, it's within walking distance. Check out some delicious Chinese food here☝ I had a drink at lunch, so I had to hold back on the alcohol. The inside of the store is spacious and clean! Feels like a Chinese restaurant🇨🇳 Mapo tofu set meal that received good reviews... There are no reviews, but I want to try the gyoza too! After a long wait, I came for the set meal! A bite of mapo tofu is delicious and spicy😋 This is delicious food🤟 It was getting more and more painful and I started sweating. Unstoppable deliciousness✨ The gyoza arrived and I took a bite of it, it was delicious♪ Large gyoza with crispy skin♪ Tenryu III during the day and Tatsumori at night 👍 Before I knew it, I was full ✨ The set meal comes with two small side dishes, soup, and almond tofu. 800 yen, gyoza 450 yen, cheap and delicious restaurant🌟 Although the weather was bad today, morning, noon, and evening I was satisfied with eating delicious food✨It was a meaningful day✨ Thank you for the meal🙇‍♂

  • Kazuyuki Suga

    Kazuyuki Suga


    Staff response◎ You can get a second helping of rice for the set meal. cheap. early. Lunch is boiled gyoza only. I wanted to try the fried dumplings, but unfortunately they don't serve lunch. If you want to eat gyoza, try it in the evening. Personally, I don't like the fact that I can smoke. For those who want to smoke◎

  • Geraldo Mantiri

    Geraldo Mantiri



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