Hakata Mentai Yamaya Shokudo Lazona Kawasaki Plaza i Kawasaki

JapanHakata Mentai Yamaya Shokudo Lazona Kawasaki Plaza



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Japan, 〒212-0013 Kanagawa, Kawasaki, Saiwai Ward, Horikawachō, 72−1 ラゾーナ川崎プラザ 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 44-874-8511
internet side: restaurant-yamaya.com
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Latitude: 35.532594, Longitude: 139.6956682

kommentar 5

  • dora dora

    dora dora


    I went to Yamaya Shokudo for a slightly late lunch. We chose the salt-grilled mackerel set meal and the mackerel marinated in lees set meal. A system where you pick up each item one by one at a face-to-face counter. We started by being given a lid to receive our main meal. First, receive the mentaiko and pickles. Next is rice. Choose normal, large, or small. Miso soup with pork and vegetables. Choose large or small. After that, I received the main dish and paid the bill. The amount of rice is usually large. The pork soup was thick but delicious. As expected, the mentaiko was extremely delicious. It was around 1:30pm and I felt like I could find a seat if I looked for it. It wasn't crowded. I think I'd like to try the fried cod next. Thank you for the meal.

  • 梅村征敏



    I went to "Yamaya Shokudo". I was aiming for the ham minced cutlet, but unfortunately they didn't have it this time^^; (Today's daily special was chicken tempura.) So I ordered the fried chicken mentai flavored set meal. Large, juicy fried chicken with a tangy flavor. I can't stop using chopsticks. I left out the taro, which I don't like, in the pork soup with lots of ingredients, and it was very delicious ^^. Thank you for the meal.

  • たろう



    I guess it gets crowded during meal times. If you shift it slightly, you can eat without lining up. I arrived around 11 o'clock. I ate the Saikyo Sawara Misoyaki set meal. Large servings of rice are free. If you order a large serving of pork soup, you will be charged a fee, but if you order a large serving, it will inevitably come with mentai. The taste is good. Small plates can also be added for a fee. You'll feel full without adding anything.

  • クラリオン



    This is a set meal restaurant located in the food court on the 1st floor of Lazona shopping mall adjacent to Kawasaki Station. After choosing a menu, order from the person on the right. You will receive a plastic tag that will serve as a landmark. You can also order various small bowls. Next, select the amount of rice. Large portions are free. You can get a large serving of pork soup for an additional 200 yen. Add shichimi chili pepper and soy sauce to each dish before paying the bill. Various electronic money and barcode payments can also be used. This time I had the salted mackerel set meal. Salted mackerel is fatty and delicious with just the right amount of salt. It also goes well with grated radish. Pork soup has a lot of ingredients. It's also delicious. Mentaiko has a stable taste. The rice is smooth. As you would expect from Yamaya-san's Mentaiko restaurant, you can rest assured of the taste and customer service. It was a good shop.

  • Huey Can Cook

    Huey Can Cook


    Grilled salted saba fish is good. 定食¥1130

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