Little Fort Coffee en Sapporo

JapónLittle Fort Coffee



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3-chōme-4-3 Higashisapporo 2 Jō, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-799-4150
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0502034, Longitude: 141.3846904

comentarios 5

  • 구서영



    🍑Great coffee and dessert : I tried iced seasonal blend : early summer, and it was astonishing. Biscotti was delicious too. 🌸Cozy atmosphere : I enjoyed time alone, but will also be great with few loved people ☘️Gentle and kind barista with good manner *Card available *Reasonable price Love the place :)

  • Yk Lk

    Yk Lk


    It's a nice coffee shop. I entered the store for the first time and purchased beans. The atmosphere inside the store was stylish, homely, and made me feel warm. The shop is full of coffee love. We sell all types of coffee beans at the same price because we don't want people to choose based on price. Personally, I recommend "Ethiopia Yirgachev Kochole". It has a light and refreshing taste. It has a delicious flavor like jasmine and lemon. 12:00-18:30 on weekdays, 12:00-18:00 on Saturdays and holidays, closed on Sundays and Mondays.

  • Masashi Andrews

    Masashi Andrews


    Great small caffe with good quality coffee and deserts. Great atmosphere and would definitely recommend.

  • Tanasin Khvan

    Tanasin Khvan


    Good taste and services

  • Neil Hartmann

    Neil Hartmann


    Small coffee shop with good quality coffee fresh roasted by the owner. Selling beans and tables for about 10 people. Cut renovated old house with a muffin shop next door. You can buy the muffins and eat at the coffee shop!

Cafetería más cercano

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