豊後茶屋 大分駅店 in Oita

Japan豊後茶屋 大分駅店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒870-0831 Oita, Kanamemachi, 1−40 アミュプラザおおいた 1階
kontakte telefon: +81 97-513-7080
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.2322563, Longitude: 131.606628

kommentare 5

  • panya sonic

    panya sonic


    Don't underestimate it as a restaurant inside a station. Juicy chicken tempura is a must-try dish. Personally, it was definitely better than the store that originated in Beppu.

  • 佐藤梓美



    This was my first time eating here. I ate "Chicken Nanban". The meat is soft and I wonder if they make tartar sauce? delicious! (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎) I don't think the price is high either. The only thing that bothered me was that there was no order bell, so I had to call the staff. Since I was alone, I decided to order while waiting for my turn, so it wasn't really my fault. There was also one other customer, so it might be difficult to talk to some of them. That's what I thought...

  • アンクルJapan(アンクル)



    [Visited in June 2024] Pay at the counter after your meal. Credit cards, transportation electronic money, and QR code payments are available. I paid with QUICPay (JAL Card). Bungo set meal 1250 yen You can enjoy Oita's famous chicken tempura and dango soup. Also, I was free to refill the rice.

  • ミスターロンリー



    [I'm glad to see Kabosu ponzu sauce installed] Enjoy the Oita specialty Bungo set meal. A dish (1,250 yen (tax included)) where you can enjoy Oita's famous chicken tempura and dango soup together. The chicken tempura is crispy fried, and the dago soup is rich and perfect on a cold day. I'm really happy that Kabosu ponzu sauce is placed on the table. It is conveniently located within the station premises.

  • Sakura Saori

    Sakura Saori


    Food is delicious and service is good.

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