Leekoh i Kobe




🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-1-1 Iwaya Kitamachi, Nada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 657-0846, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-882-6648
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7039178, Longitude: 135.2169408

kommentar 5

  • ナポレオンソロ



    #Today's morning Before going to the “Drawer, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko” exhibition at the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, I went to “Coffee Senka Ricoh”. Morning time. I had the ham cheese toast sandwich. 3 slices of toast with ham and cheese It was a delicious dish that was sandwiched separately.

  • 吉村直美



    There is a wide range of menus including parfaits, sandwiches, curry, omelet rice, and doria, as well as pasta. It's reasonably priced. It comes out early and seems like a good place to meet up. It had the atmosphere of an old-fashioned coffee shop. I feel calm. Good for one person or for a family. It might be the perfect place to chat over cake and coffee.

  • J S

    J S


    A coffee shop with a smoking booth where all seats are smoking on weekdays and non-smoking on weekends. Located right in front of the station, it's a perfect location to cool off. For the coffee, I ordered strong.Bitter and full-bodied coffee. The water is self-service, so you can get a refill without worrying about the staff.

  • ちゃんみな



    The frozen cafe latte was delicious! It was really hot so I went there to cool off. . . hot. I wish they could turn on the air conditioning. But it's a cafe where you can relax.

  • わー



    Please respond in a kind and refreshing manner. The menu has a wide variety of coffee, tea, drinks, food, and sandwiches. It will be a coffee shop that you will come to as a reward. It is very beautiful in the evening with the sunset in front of the station. It's perfect for taking some time alone. Please feel free to stop by and complete the menu.

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