Le Normandie in Yokohama

JapanLe Normandie



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒231-8520 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Naka Ward, Yamashitachō, 10 ホテルニューグランド タワー 5F
kontakte telefon: +81 45-681-1841
webseite: www.hotel-newgrand.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.4451167, Longitude: 139.6493853

kommentare 5

  • Roy Prize

    Roy Prize


    I ate breakfast here with my family two days in a row. The first time was a 5-star experience all around. The second time was a 3-star experience due to lower quality of service. What I enjoyed most was refills on my ice coffee! I also enjoyed reading the complimentary English Japan Times newspaper. Sitting and reading an actual paper newspaper added even more to the “pre-internet” vibe of the place. The food was excellent both times. The kids had monte cristo sandwiches and loved them. The service is hit or miss. It was great the first time, but the second time I couldn’t get more than one ingredient in my omelette (ham OR cheese, not both) and the staff was generally inattentive to our table. A couple of times, I finally needed to get out of the chair to get some help after being unable to get anyone’s attention with calling out and gesturing. The entire staff’s attitude was really great and helpful, maybe just their system wasn’t working for us that day due to a different floor manager.

  • クリス栗村



    The cuisine at Le Normandie didn’t particularly stand out for me, but the location is superb, and the service quality is exceptionally high. The hotel housing this restaurant holds a special place in my life, as it has been part of significant milestones. Therefore, my overall impression of the hotel, including the restaurant, is quite favorable.

  • Leanne L

    Leanne L


    After arriving in Japan late the night before, we had our first meal in the morning at le Normandie. It was so wonderful that it set our spirits high after the long, tiring journey. The dining room was elegant. Old, but refined. We had a seat by the windows overlooking the harbor. I loved the white linens and China cups for coffee. I enjoyed my monte cristo sandwich. It was fluffy and slightly sweet. The cheese was velvety and balanced the sweetness. It was the best breakfast I had in Japan in terms of atmosphere and flavor. I’m dreaming of the day we will return to the hotel New Grand and La Normandie.

  • Clay Cook

    Clay Cook


    Very good service! Professional all the way. Food was excellent! 5 course wonderful meal! A repeater for sure!

  • Chip Larouche

    Chip Larouche


    Nice hotel, but they have no ice machines. Room service will deliver some for a fee.

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