Lawson Toyama Kitashinmachi i Toyama

JapanLawson Toyama Kitashinmachi



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2-chōme-2-22 Kitashinmachi, Toyama, 930-0023, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-431-0566
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.6924834, Longitude: 137.2207971

kommentar 5

  • shun k.

    shun k.


    Eat-in has been closed for a long time due to their own rules. What kind of service is it if you don't know specifically when it can be used and when it can't be used? I wish they would at least post their own rules in an easy-to-understand manner.

  • 愛love330茅ヶ崎



    When I went there for the first time in a while, I noticed an employee who had a strange way of handing over change.A part-time job? I paid with coins this time, but I laughed out loud. Please make me laugh again lol

  • ポンプ座



    The staff member who helped me was friendly and cheerful, and I ended up buying the lunch box that was recommended to me.It was an unexpected expense, but I guess it can't be helped when the customer service is so enjoyable lol. It's the only place in my neighborhood that sells the brands I often smoke, so I'll probably continue to go here even though I have to travel a little further.

  • サーロインステーキ



    It opened on the site where Hokuriku Bank's Mukaigawara branch once stood. The parking lot is not small for a convenience store in the city. The customer service was also good.

  • 近江猛



    It's in a convenient location and has a large parking lot, but I feel like there aren't many types of rice balls and bento boxes.

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