Lawson; Tokyo Nihonbashi i Chuo City

JapanLawson; Tokyo Nihonbashi



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1-chōme-2-19 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3231-0223
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6835434, Longitude: 139.7729109

kommentar 5

  • 門馬美輝




  • S



    The specifications of the cashier line are really bad. There is a sign on the floor that tells you which register to line up at. If you know and use it, people who don't know this specification will skip your turn. Recently, there have been more self-checkout stations in front of the kitchen, so I think it will be a little easier.

  • グルメ旅ike



    We have a rich lineup of lunch boxes. The customer service is pleasant and it's the best convenience store! ️We also have plenty of eat-in space.

  • シューマン太郎



    When I bought a boxed lunch and sweets, I requested that they forget to put paper napkins on, but they refused. If this is the case with other Lawson stores, I will probably buy from another convenience store in the future.

  • Y K

    Y K


    The toilet may not be available at certain times. This is an experimental Lawson smartphone cash register store. I tried using it and it was comfortable. There's no need to go through the cash register. We also had lunch boxes made at the store. I gave it 4 stars because it gets very crowded at lunchtime if there are fixed times for using the restroom. There is also eat-in space, so you can take a break. There are two entrances, but you have to go up three flights of stairs to enter the store.

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