Lawson Shiba 3-chome i Minato City

JapanLawson Shiba 3-chome



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Japan, 〒105-0014 Tokyo, Minato City, Shiba, 3-chōme−34−1 芝パークタワー
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5442-3209
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6503462, Longitude: 139.747857

kommentar 5

  • ゆう



    Thank you for always taking care of me The staff are nice and it's Lawson.

  • hiro yuki

    hiro yuki


    I have never encountered the strange store clerk mentioned in other comments. It's convenient because they have hot snacks even during the night.

  • Sam Hamada

    Sam Hamada


    Toilet available at night (2023.06.12)

  • Hiron



    This is Lawson behind the Celestine Hotel. There are several Lawson stores in front of the station, but this is the only Lawson in this area of ​​the office district. The area is not very large, and it gets quite crowded in the morning and afternoon with office workers from nearby companies. So you may feel cramped during that time. Most of the store staff are very nice and you can shop smoothly, but there is one man who doesn't deal with you at night so be careful. I thought it was amazing when they didn't even say hello and just threw the product at me. Therefore, this restaurant is not recommended when you are tired from working overtime at night.

  • Littleboyリトルボーイ



    Rental toilets are rare in Tokyo. It seems like you can't use it from 7pm to 6am.

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