Lawson Nagano prefectural office w Nagano

JaponiaLawson Nagano prefectural office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Minamiagatamachi-1002-2 Minaminagano, Nagano, 380-0836, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 26-223-5837
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.64956, Longitude: 138.1818578

komentarze 5

  • のぶ



    What❓This Lawson💢 When I went to the cashier at around 9:30am on March 14th and tried to order an iced coffee, he pointed to the popper above the register and said, "Please tell me your size. It's over here." I also work in the service industry, so I would normally be an inexperienced customer, so what do you think of the sizes S and M? Isn't that normal? I didn't really want to mount it, but I felt so bad that I wanted to eat it, so I left without buying anything. At that time, the female staff member remained silent. What do you teach and train? This was the first time I had a bad experience at Lawson. worst.

  • JiWoo Lee

    JiWoo Lee


    After saying "I have a d-point card," I show my d-point card on the d-payment app and it automatically scans the d-payment code. I said, "It's not d payment, it's just d points," but they told me that I could do both, and decided to use d payment. This is a very annoying store that doesn't listen to customers and decides payment methods on their own. I will never use it again. The store clerk didn't seem to notice that I was in the store, and he said in a loud voice, ``Even though it says that you can't use the restroom, you went out of your way to ask me, so what do you think that means?'' (lol) I will never use it again!

  • Matt



    My son and I got caught in the rain, we stopped here and bought a raincoat and umbrella. We asked to use the restroom and they rudely said no, not available for customers. Avoid this place, they give a bad name to the Lawson brand.

  • M S

    M S


    Early in the morning, there was a sign posted on the toilet saying it was out of order, so I wanted to ask if there were any other toilets I could use, but the clerk said, ``It says it's out of order, right?'' and scolded me, so I left the store. He seemed to be complaining. It was unpleasant.

  • 宮川ルリ子



    When I went to Mercari to ship it, they refused the first time because they said they didn't have the special shipping vinyl. I thought the vinyl was about to arrive, so I went back to the store two weeks later. This time I will not be shipping via Mercari. can't believe it. What's going on with this Lawson? And the toilets are always being repaired. It seems so fake. There are also employees. This is the worst Lawson.

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