Lawson Kurume Higashi-aikawa 6-chome en Kurume

JapónLawson Kurume Higashi-aikawa 6-chome



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
6-chōme-1-30 Higashiaikawa, Kurume, Fukuoka 839-0809, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 942-44-6510
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3209607, Longitude: 130.5572096

comentarios 5

  • 猫ヒロシ



    The attitude of the late-night staff was so bad, no greetings, I thought they came to the cash register after waiting for a while, but they didn't say sorry for keeping you waiting. I can't believe that this store manager's training and that of Lawson's head office.

  • a a7

    a a7


    The manager here? I don't know why, but the gray-haired guy has really bad customer service. First, I brought the item to the cash register and said, ``Please check it out,'' but the person looked at me once and ignored me. When I said ``Please'' again in a louder voice, she let out a big sigh and put the items down. It's unpleasant. Also, my body odor is too bad. It's unpleasant. If only the gray hair would stop, this convenience store would be in a great location.

  • 吉井美由紀



    The late-night clerk Nobu here has a really bad attitude every time! She seemed to want me to come to the cash register quickly, so she kept looking at me while I was shopping and started grumbling to myself! When it takes a long time, I start making a loud cleaning noise nearby and then go back to the cash register and make a loud banging noise! It really makes me feel bad every time. Above all, it's really unpleasant to watch it all the time. We will also report to the head office.

  • れお



    When I went there in the evening, there was an old white-haired clerk with really bad customer service. I don't know if it's the same person as the male clerk in the review, but if it's the same, I'm posting this as a warning that it's still there.

  • カワイチャン



    Around noon, if I didn't have a mask, my mother would come inside the store. If you're in trouble, go out of your way to get a mask. I went and received a mask⤴️😄 The female clerk at that time I don't know the name so I can't write it 😅 Thank you very much⤴️😊

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