Lawson Hiroshima Nakayama-higashi 3-chome in Hiroshima

JapanLawson Hiroshima Nakayama-higashi 3-chome



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-2-8 Nakayamahigashi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0023, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-280-5855
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4103423, Longitude: 132.5026346

kommentare 5

  • まちのわループ



    I came to the store around 13:27 today, and the male clerk's attitude was the worst. It seems that there was only one employee there on this day, but after the customers left, he slammed the door in an intimidating manner, and when the customers left, he didn't even say thank you. I couldn't overlook it, and I thought I should just fire him right away 💢 Some of the female clerks were polite when it came to customer service, so my first impression was good, but when I saw the male clerk this time, I was so angry that I couldn't give a good impression of this store. How does the store manager feel after hiring a certain male clerk? I want you to think about it properly. Honestly, this is the level where I want to be fired. Edit: Apparently the owner of this store had a bad attitude. I can't help but get angry when I think that a person with such an attitude is the owner of a store. Would you please remove this clerk from the management position? As expected, this matter came to mind.

  • 田邊あきら



    A normal convenience store. The parking lot is quite spacious.

  • K K

    K K


    The lady who seems to be working part-time has a bad attitude and is sluggish.

  • アマノジヤク88



    There are various convenience stores, but Lawson generally doesn't have a smile on its customers' faces and seems to work indifferently. That's why I try to go to other convenience stores and never go to Lawson. We need to train our employees a little more.

  • sahikaroguyachiひ



    It's the only Lawson in this area, so it's very convenient.

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