嵐山 w Asahikawa




🕗 godziny otwarcia

6 Chome 7 Jodori, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0037, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 166-27-5855
strona internetowej: asahikawa-arashiyama.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.7724282, Longitude: 142.3606117

komentarze 5

  • seiji旭川グルメ



    Asahikawa Art Hotel 1F Arashiyama Chinese lunch A set 1700 yen 3 hors d'oeuvres Shrimp Mayo Ankake yakisoba dessert With coffee Japanese and Chinese lunch🍽 The atmosphere was great and the food was delicious😋 On the way home, I went to Hokkaido Brasserie Lilas on the 1st floor and bought a 1,000 yen set of 2 eclairs and 2 puddings made by Mr. Kitaguchi's father who is a javelin thrower from Asahikawa🥇🫰

  • あろん



    I wanted to eat Hokkaido-style food, so I found a delicious meal in the elevator. It felt a little cold, but it was delicious.

  • マーボー



    Gourmet travelogue Arashiyama 6-chome, 7-jo Dori, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0037 Location: Art Hotel Asahikawa 11:30am - 2:30pm 17:30-21:00 Elegant ramen at the hotel! ️ Royal soy sauce ramen!! ️ Ramen with a difference!! ️ Please visit the hotel once in a while! ️ Light taste!! ️ Customer service is good! ️ Everyone once!! ️

  • Marri



    Exquisite Japanese King Course Dinner at Arashiyama Japanese Chinese Restaurant. We're very pleased with the selection of the set menu. Each dish looked like a work of art. Compliments to the Chef.

  • ぱいぷらいん



    Art Hotel Restaurant In the past, Arashiyama used to be a Japanese restaurant. Renovated so you can also enjoy authentic Chinese food After all, Tennaiho in Arashiyama is nice and calm. I had Sichuan-style drooling chicken to go with my beer. A dish that goes well with beer due to Sichuan spiciness. The chicken is also soft and steamed. Easy to eat and delicious Yakisoba with salt ankake, the blessings of the earth As the name suggests, it's full of vegetables. Radish, turnip, carrot, paprika, green bean, mushroom It also had beets in it. (There may be others as well) Enjoying the deliciousness of each vegetable A dish you can get For the main dish, Nankai chicken rice and Singapore chicken rice. Rice with a scent similar to jasmine rice Serve chicken and vegetables with 3 different sauces. The sauces are sweet chili, green onion oil, and sweet noodle sauce, all of which are unique and difficult to choose. Sweet chili was the easiest for me to eat. Arashiyama now mainly serves Chinese food. Changed to a more delicious restaurant Enjoy sophisticated Chinese food

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