浪花ひとくち餃子餃々大分都町店 w Oita




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒870-0034 Oita, Miyakomachi, 2-chōme−1−28 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 97-532-2800
strona internetowej: www.gyozakeikaku.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.2396052, Longitude: 131.6064089

komentarze 5

  • F.たいけい



    I looked for a nearby takeout restaurant to have a drink in my hotel room. There was this restaurant nearby and I ordered gyoza and fried chicken almost as soon as it opened. Ready in about 5 minutes I received it right away in my room. It's crazy, it's delicious, not only the gyoza but also the mysterious spicy miso? is delicious. I should have ordered 12 pieces instead of half. The fried chicken was also delicious, my favorite type of fried chicken. The price is also reasonable I wanted to eat it again tomorrow.

  • Yoshitaka Uno

    Yoshitaka Uno


    The restaurant only has 12 counter seats, but the crispy gyoza are exquisite! I also appreciate the clam soup at the end.

  • 三浦崇志(八百屋んおいさん)



    Grocery store guy's holiday ~ Drinking alone in Miyakocho I wanted to have a quick drink, so I came to a gyoza restaurant in Miyako-cho. To [Naniwa Hitokuchi Gyoza Gyoza Oita Miyakomachi store] I asked for the most popular one. "Chao Chao Set"♪ The best menu for a quick drink, with gyoza and a small bowl of your favorite drink♪ It's small enough that you can eat it as a snack, you can eat it as you like, and it goes great with beer.

  • ツンちゃんねる



    Cheap and delicious! It's great to have so many different types of alcohol! If you go with two people, you'll be happy to know that instead of 3 servings of gyoza, they'll add up to 4.

  • でんちゅうよし



    I got hungry in the middle of the night and went to Gyoza! I got it in just before the last order ^ ^ For now, I ordered some gyoza and toasted with a highball! The gyoza here is pretty good ^ ^ But the manager is always drunk lol I was drunk this time too lol I will go again!

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