Hotel Mystays Oita w Oita

JaponiaHotel Mystays Oita


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-32 Niagemachi, Oita, 870-0046, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 97-514-4055
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.239324, Longitude: 131.607867

komentarze 5

  • Lester Low

    Lester Low


    This has to be THE worst stay in Japan. The website tricked us. We are booking for 2 adults and a 10 year old and it recommended a double bed. I assumed it would come with a roller bed or pull out sofa. We were wrong. We went to the room and laughed. No way we can fit. We had to quickly book another room on the spot. Lucky there were a few rooms left albeit the room they had did NOT have air conditioning. Also when we booked it said there was buffet breakfast for 2. There is NO buffet breakfast. Only a packed bento or sandwiches which you pick up for reception. And they had the audacity to ask us if we wanted one more for our daughter. At first we thought it was buffet but after we realised it was just a packed meal. We asked for a refund. Also the pillows are so soft it’s like sleeping on tofu skin. Stay clear of this chain.

  • mandu



    a short walk from the train station, the area around is full of restaurants. The service here is so so but the hotel is in good design. Room is modern and bed is comfortable too. There are free computer in the lobby. Price is reasonable, including happy breakfast too

  • Alan Lam

    Alan Lam


    I stayed for a night in January as a stop before I to Yufin. I arrived late at night the hotel carpark was full and the staff at the counter was very helpful and provided alternatives with a guided map and prices of other carparks nearby, awesome! I ended up parked across the road and paying actually less. The room I booked was at the top floor and came with a balcony. It was spacious and comfortable for two. The furnitures and the bathroom were showing their ages tho, cleanliness can be improved too. There's a shop-street right across the junction, easy getting breakfast or night snacks. Excellent choice at this price range.

  • Lim Ching Shiang

    Lim Ching Shiang


    16/12/19 The staff doesn't really understand English. The room is very clean and tiny. The hotel room is warm. In the end we need to open the window to cold down the room. You are able to park your car at the hotel parking facilities. You only need to pay once and you can go in and out.

  • Leah Tanabe

    Leah Tanabe


    Very friendly staff and a delicious buffet breakfast! However, they need to put more focus on the rooms -- we got to stay here twice during our 3-week trip, and both times we stayed in a double-sized bed room. They are not meant for a couple; it was extremely small and hard to get luggage in there. Both rooms were obviously in need of some more attention - some wallpaper was ripped, and some basics, like the cleanliness of the bathroom or the hot water setting (one room it was either cold or super hot - hard to get just warm water from the faucet) need improvement. The air conditioning didn't work in one of the rooms either.

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