Kyushu Hotel in Unzen

JapanKyushu Hotel


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Japan, 〒854-0621 Nagasaki, Unzen, Obamachō Unzen, 320 雲仙九州ホテル 2階
kontakte telefon: +81 957-73-3234
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Latitude: 32.739999, Longitude: 130.262802

kommentare 5

  • eray senyurek

    eray senyurek


    Private onsen, Amazing kitchen, Nice people. Definitely needs to try. I love this place. That was a marvelous experience.

  • Ivan LEE

    Ivan LEE


    This is a hotel with excellent service. I originally planned to check in on February 13th and had already made the payment, but when I arrived at the hotel, I realized that I had mistakenly booked for February 14th. I felt very anxious at that time, but fortunately, the hotel manager understood my situation and emotions and unconditionally allowed me to change to an overnight stay, which made me feel that this is a hotel with very warm service. In addition, the room has a spacious view where you can clearly see the panoramic view of Unzen Hell. The sulfur hot springs in the room are of excellent quality. The dinner and breakfast offer a wide variety of options, including Western and Japanese elements, and the taste is delicious. The second floor and rooftop offer complimentary drinks and snacks, making it a place you won't want to leave. After this unforgettable experience, I will definitely stay at this hotel again, which excels in all aspects.

  • White Bear

    White Bear


    This is a difficult review. The ryokan is perfect is every way a ryokan should be. From the moment we step into the lobby, everything was top notch. Room is spacious and classy. Food is great and the lounge is a welcoming place to be. Every staff is courteous and helpful. However, my only grouse is the tiny in room Onsen. While I understand there is a limit on how big an ensuite onsen can be, the main reason for visiting Unzen Onsen is to enjoy the famous waters. Together with the lack of a main public bath makes experiencing the waters lacking. This one issue is enough for me to chose another ryokan the next time I visit.

  • Ka Lam Chang

    Ka Lam Chang


    It was the first time for us to travel Unzen and we had a excellent experience in this hotel!!! The location is good, just next to bus stop. That day was a snowy day with thick snow on the ground. It was hard to walk, once we entered the gate, a staff was already waiting for us and helped us to take the luggage. All staff are nice and their english was quite good, including the front desk staff, the staff in restaurant using english to introduce dinner dishes, the man leading us to room and explaining facilities…… The room was clean and tidy, with a terrace for you to relax while looking the view of “ hell of Unsen “. The dinner and breakfast were amazing, good presentation and tasteful! We were so surprised that they wrote “happy honeymoon “ on our dessert (we just mentioned once during the time of booking). It made my day :). The staff was so helpful! Also there was free juice and massage chair on rooftop, we chilled in the indoor rooftop with good view. Free wine and juice for residents in the 2nd floor. The “hell of Unsen” was covered by snow and it was soooooo romantic, love it soooooo much! The outdoor of hotel was closed due to heavy snow, but that’s ok because I definitely will come again :)

  • Toru Matsubayashi

    Toru Matsubayashi


    I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Unzen Kyushu Hotel in August alongside my parents. To say the experience was magnificent would be an understatement. From the rooms to the meals, amenities, surrounding landscape, and especially the staff, everything was simply impeccable. I’d like to share a few standout points: Staff: Each member of the staff was the epitome of attentiveness, courtesy, and genuine warmth. Conversations with them were always a delight. Room: Our 5th-floor room offered a breathtaking view of the “Jigoku Dani.” While the site's historical significance as a place of Christian persecution evokes a mix of emotions, it’s undeniably awe-inspiring to be in such close proximity to it. Additionally, the beds ensured a restful night. Hot Spring: A notable feature was the private hot spring bath in each room. It allowed us 24-hour access to serene moments while gazing upon the picturesque valley. However, for those seeking a communal bath experience, this might not be the hotel of choice. Dining Experience: The meals were nothing short of divine. The beef I savored for dinner was so tender, it simply melted in my mouth. A word of caution: the dinner menu appears to be set, which might pose a challenge for those with specific dietary needs, such as vegetarians. For the rest, it promises a culinary delight. Amenities: The complimentary access to the rooftop and 2nd-floor bars was a bonus, with the former offering an unparalleled view of the surroundings. Value for Money: Admittedly, the Unzen Kyushu Hotel comes with a premium price tag. However, having experienced its offerings firsthand, I believe it provides excellent value, particularly considering the gourmet dining experiences. In summary, if you're in search of luxury, culinary excellence, and unparalleled views, the Unzen Kyushu Hotel stands as an exquisite choice.

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