Kyoya Chaho Utsunomiya Alps no Mori en Utsunomiya

JapónKyoya Chaho Utsunomiya Alps no Mori



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917-2 Ōamimachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-2111, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-678-9069
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6555762, Longitude: 139.847192

comentarios 5

  • Lisa Yokoe

    Lisa Yokoe


    I really love the vibe. It was really nice I only got Matcha but next time I want to camp here or I get some more food.

  • Caitlin Brown

    Caitlin Brown


    Such a cute place! We went on a Wednesday and there were still some seats available both inside and outside. You pay at the front first and will be given a number and get to choose the table you like. They bring food/drinks to you. We ate at the patio and really loved the open atmosphere. I had the vegan tantanmen and it was amazing (I’m not vegan myself but I loved it)! It’s creamy and flavourful yet not greasy or heavy at all, I had to have the last sip of the soup. Staff were friendly and welcoming! I like that this is a dog friendly cafe/restaurant. We are definitely coming back 😆

  • Sonya S.

    Sonya S.


    Very lovely vegetarian cafe in the mountains of Utsunomiya. The atmosphere is perfect and it's a great place for lunch. I loved their vegetarian menu, and that they offer organic coffee. It's a perfect place to have lunch on the terrace and enjoy the great outdoors

  • Leslie mcs

    Leslie mcs


    We made a reservation and got a nice seat. It can get crowded on the weekends so it’s better to make a reservation. The ambience is good both in and out, it’s surrounded by nature so you can enjoy the scenery while you sip your coffee or eat your food. The food is good but had very few selections. I’ll definitely go back. Btw, their apple pie is really tasty. 思ったより混んでたけど、いいカフェでした。

  • Nami Miyazaki

    Nami Miyazaki


    Beautiful interior, beautiful grounds. Outside seating available including hamocks and tents by a large wooden deck. The food is tasty and reasonably priced. Order and pay at the counter. Customer service is great. Regular hours might vary depending on if the whole venue has been reserved but looks like walk ins without reservations are ok!

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