Kyoto Brighton Hotel in Kyoto

JapanKyoto Brighton Hotel


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330 Shiteichō, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-8071, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-441-4411
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Latitude: 35.0243557, Longitude: 135.7557497

kommentare 5

  • Sherin



    The hotel is spacious for the price, though I wouldn't exactly call it a 5-star hotel—more like a 4.5-star. I give it 5 stars for the cleanliness of the room and the spacious layout. The service was also quite warm, as you'd generally expect from Japanese hotels. One minor issue was that they paired a young female bellhop with an older man. You might end up carrying your own baggage because the female seemed overwhelmed, and the older man was visibly struggling. Location-wise, there's not much around the hotel. However, this didn't bother us much since we chose to drive for a road trip in Kyoto. The hotel has convenient parking, which suited our needs perfectly. The only reason I rated the location 3 stars is that it would have been nice to have more basic amenities nearby. There was one 7-Eleven within walking distance, but it didn't have much. They do offer shuttle service as well.

  • CY Lee

    CY Lee


    Very nice hotel. Rooms are big and service is good. You can see many Japanese also coming for the afternoon tea at lobby. Parking is super convenient - basement carpark in the building with sufficient parking lots at a daily parking rate. Bellboys are either old man or young lady. So you will need to also lend a hand when it comes to loading luggage into car. I won’t recommend the hotel breakfast - it’s average.

  • melody Price-Dawson

    melody Price-Dawson


    We can't eat breakfast together, as i like the Japanese breakfast and my other half likes the Western breakfast and they are served in two different restaurants. Sadly, the Western breakfast is pretty standard and has been identical the last 3 days. The Brighton is a large elegant hotel. The rooms are a good size. Sadly, they are not very helpful and do not go out of their way. There is a shuttle that goes halfway to the main shopping area, which is odd, but it is next to the subway. They also don't tell you there is a shuttle. They have a bar but don't know what Tonic water is if you order it to the room 🤔 There is a laundromat 250m away. And a 7 eleven a few mins walk. Coffee in the lobby is $12 which I thought was ridiculous and not that great. It is opposite the Palace and the gardens. But the botanical gardens are much better. I wouldn't stay here again.

  • Solivisor



    This is the best hotel I’ve ever stayed in and I couldn’t think of a single flaw at this place. The staff are amazing, very friendly and welcoming. The lobby is stunning but I’m more interested in the rooms. They’re fairly spacious, have lots of furniture like tables and counters and the shower is marvellous. There’s two shower heads for some reason!? One is fixed and the other has free range. The restaurant at the hotel surprised me, since in my experience hotel food is overpriced and either small portions or not very good. The food at this restaurant was all-you-can-eat buffet style, and delicious. I also want to mention that the hotel has a bus that goes to the station every 20 minutes included for free, which is convenient and makes up for the hotel not being close to the station. The location is great, with a popular tourist spot a couple minutes walk away from the hotel, and there’s also another tourist spot a couple minutes walk from where the bus drops you off at the station. There’s also a laundromat close enough if you need it, and a little secret: there’s a vending machine to the right of the front entrance that sells drinks super cheap.

  • Anya Dormer

    Anya Dormer


    Amazing hotel, we loved our 3 night stay here. Truly 4 star hotel experience. Very beautifully updated and maintained, with spacious rooms, well appointed bathrooms and attentive service. It's not in the most central location, but the hotel shuttle makes it super easy to get around. Excellent choice for traveling with family. It's the kind of hotel you look forward to going back to after a busy day of exploring a city. Highly recommended for a stay in the Kyoto area.

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