Kuroshio Honryu Ichiba Tatsuda en Kumamoto

JapónKuroshio Honryu Ichiba Tatsuda



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-2-16 Tatsuda, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-348-8080
sitio web: www.kuroshio-ichiba.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8293894, Longitude: 130.7551731

comentarios 5

  • 澤村大地



    The store has recently been renovated (April 18th of this year) ❗ Although the exterior and interior of the store have not changed. The product layout is completely different, and I think the overall number of items in the store has increased. In particular, the selection of household goods is now more extensive than before, such as detergent, daily necessities, cosmetics, pet food, toothpaste, etc. The cash register has increased from two locations to three, as well as retort food such as curry and ramen, salt and sugar. The placement of seasonings such as soy sauce has also changed.Rice has been moved to the back of the cash register.In addition, the ``Bento no Hirai'' corner has been placed in the center of the store, and the number of individual items such as croquettes has also been increased. increased. The number of bento items has also increased. This is just my opinion, but there aren't many so-called "gutsuru" items, and there are many bland and healthy items. There aren't many things you can buy for less than 500 yen per item) It's not like fresh vegetables and fruits are particularly cheap, but the fish section is poor.This is true everywhere...(That's why I've given up on buying fish🐟️) (It's more expensive than meat, so the only meat I buy is pork fillets.) (Although pork has become more expensive recently...(^_^;))) If I were to buy chicken as well (considering the time, cost, and cost), I would choose frozen fried chicken meat (pre-seasoned) and chicken dumplings. Well, I think this is the cheapest place for ice cream. Although the number of cash registers has increased, it is basically a semi-self-checkout (cash or card payment or choose from barcode), so be careful if it is crowded when purchasing in bulk.We recommend purchasing bargain items every Thursday or later. Masu (As of post update date 2024/7/11)

  • 松本厚



    Attucks Tatsuta store reopens! To the reborn Tatsuta store Shopping has become more comfortable in our bright and spacious store. Seiryu Monogatari Vending Machine Recently, a mineral water vending machine called ``Seiryu Monogatari'' was installed in a nearby supermarket. At this vending machine, you can purchase mineral water that has been purified using a natural filtration system and activated with far infrared rays. The water has a hardness of 30 to 60, and is characterized by its smooth texture and easy drinking. It is also said to be good for health as it is rich in minerals. The price is 20 yen per liter, which is very reasonable. Plastic bottles can be used repeatedly, so they are environmentally friendly. This vending machine is recommended for those who are having trouble choosing mineral water. Please try once.

  • はなこさん



    Around 6pm today, I mistakenly bought 4 packs of 3 packs for 1000 yen. As soon as I told the staff, Igigi responded without making a disgusted face. I paid with PayPay, but they also made sure that the refund process was completed properly. Thank you for taking the time. This is a store that I would like to use again ^_^

  • KumamonTaroo



    There are no supermarkets around here, so it's extremely valuable. There is a convenience store. There is also a Higo Bank ATM.




    Very good for shopping

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