Kuronbo-ya i Higashihiroshima




🕗 åbningstider

15-34 Saijōhonmachi, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-422-2916
internet side: www.kuronboya.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.4295336, Longitude: 132.7448915

kommentar 5

  • hiro yuki

    hiro yuki


    A set meal restaurant I wanted to try in Saijo I had beef cutlet lunch and beef cutlet lunch with the person I went with🍴 The standard beef cutlet lunch is said to have 200g of meat, which is quite heavy. It's a huge amount considering the price. As mentioned in other comments, the sweet sauce here is similar to Uri, but I think it's a good restaurant unless you're not into this. I was surprised at how quickly the food was served and the turnover rate.

  • ひろしまみどりこ



    I was finally able to go to a store that I had wanted to visit since I was a child. The sauce has a distinctive taste that brings back nostalgia, and you'll probably get addicted to it. I am very satisfied with the reasonable pricing considering the volume. Thank you for the meal.

  • Gary Kramar

    Gary Kramar


    Frog was delicious! Highly recommended!

  • MTRcraft _

    MTRcraft _



  • Xiang Wang

    Xiang Wang


    I ordered the 1000 yen beef set lunch. Portion was large, with salad, a small amount of spaghetti as side, soup and rice. Their beef is different from the typical yakiniku, but soaked in their signature citrus sauce. So if you prefer savory taste, you may find it less satisfactory. Nonetheless, it was a good meal.

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