Kura Sushi in Chofu

JapanKura Sushi



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-3 Nishitsutsujigaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0006, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 42-440-2610
webseite: shop.kurasushi.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6581709, Longitude: 139.569956

kommentare 5

  • Tasya Indonesia

    Tasya Indonesia


    My comfort place for Sushi in Chain Restaurant. Recommended for family or 3-4 People Per Table.

  • José Jose

    José Jose


    Great pricing and taste

  • Akash Sharma

    Akash Sharma


    More options for vegetarians than other kaiten sushi shops. Price is good. Waiting time can be long because if Go to Eat.

  • HongJo



    Nice place to have sushi on a budget. I prefer ordering cooked food like egg sushi, tuna salad suchi, udon, shrimp cheese grill, etc because this place does not serve quality raw fish. I still think it is a nice place to have some sushi and other kinds. It usually costed around 1000 yen per person. And could be really crowded during the weekends so better make a reservation online.

  • Simon Rigney

    Simon Rigney


    Great cheap sushi. Just make sure you get a booking before you go, very popular most nights. Have an app for bookings, easy to use and may save you more than an hour waiting

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