Kumano Dental Clinic en Kasugai

JapónKumano Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1212-3 Tamanochō, Kasugai, Aichi 487-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 568-52-0418
sitio web: www.kumanoshika.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2692227, Longitude: 137.0663612

comentarios 5

  • 伊藤健太



    My daughter is undergoing orthodontic treatment. The treatment explanations are easy to understand, and I feel like the patient's dental health is their top priority. I think the staff is very friendly and the dentist is easy to visit.

  • あ


    I want to receive treatment that is completely painless. It's my first time here! First of all, I felt a sting from the anesthesia. It's so painless that you won't even notice! Subsequent treatment is completely painless. I had only been to bad dentists. I'm really glad I found this place!

  • YC KM

    YC KM


    I've been going here for a long time, and the teachers are very easy to talk to, friendly, and kind. He has many books and certificates, and I feel that he is eager to learn and has a desire to improve. Treatment tables and equipment are kept clean so you can receive treatment with peace of mind. The staff always greet me with a smile and make me feel very comfortable. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who is having trouble choosing a dentist.

  • akito y

    akito y


    I had a cavity in my tooth that had been neglected at another hospital examined at this clinic. He was kind and thorough in his explanations, and the treatment was smooth and painless. I find the content in this review very strange. There are many teachers who are always learning a lot and staff who are warm in their customer service, so I would like to continue working with them.

  • もも



    I am always receiving corrections. I am a high school student and am attending by myself, but I feel at ease because the director and dental hygienist are very kind and thorough. They will explain clearly and clearly what to tell your parents. Recommended!

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