Kourakuen en Iwaki




🕗 horarios

Higashida-45番地の1 Onahamaōhara, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8111, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 246-73-3530
sitio web: stores.kourakuen.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.9679607, Longitude: 140.8913016

comentarios 5

  • やすくん



    ①Touch panel store ② Water dispenser store (Personally, I prefer a tabletop pitcher because it holds a lot of ice.) ③ There was no Kourakuen ingredient on the table. ④Korakuen is just delicious.

  • カワサキ



    Order the new menu Mega Tanmen (salt) The taste is the regular menu of tanmen, back fat, garlic, and 10 slices of chashu pork. I'm not dissatisfied with the taste, but the cost performance is poor. If it costs 990 yen, you might be better off with another set menu.

  • うメら



    Since I had work nearby, I had lunch at Korakuen. This is the third time in about two years since Korakuen in the food court of Aeon Mall Onahama. I was impressed by the various efforts being made by companies, such as using tablets to order and having robots serve food. This time I had a large serving of miso ramen for 600 yen. The noodles were a little hard and the miso flavor was a bit lacking for me, but the chashu had a good flavor. I had some work to do after lunch, so I added the vinegar provided at the end. I'm usually tired when I add vinegar.

  • Kent Lung Yip

    Kent Lung Yip


    Vegetable ramen was very fresh tasting and filling.

  • Ramin Mellegard

    Ramin Mellegard


    Awesome ramen

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