Hotel Onahama Hills en Iwaki

JapónHotel Onahama Hills


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Japan, 〒971-8162 Fukushima, Iwaki, Onahamahanabatakechō, 10−1
contactos teléfono: +81 246-54-6333
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Latitude: 36.9533314, Longitude: 140.9030632

comentarios 5

  • 佐藤祐一



    My wife and I stayed in a twin room to visit my parents' grave, and although the building was old, it was clean. There is a large public bath for men on the first floor, and you can relax in the moderate amount of hot water. It seems that the public bath for women can be used free of charge at an affiliated hotel located a few minutes walk away, but my wife did not use it, so I am not sure what happened. Parking is available for free in front of the hotel and at the business supermarket next door (other than in front of the store). There are many Aeon malls and restaurants within walking distance, making it extremely convenient.

  • 豆電球



    The room was full of dust. When I turned on the air conditioner, the dust was shaking. I don't know if that's why, but my throat hurt when I ate for a few days. The price is cheap. Breakfast was free. Hawaiians tickets were priced like they were essentially free.




    I went on a family trip and stayed in a Japanese-style room because I had a small child. I'm concerned about the old smell of the room, but I think it was a good place to stay because it was cheap. The small refrigerator in the room does not have a freezer. There is a large public bath for men on the first floor, but women seem to use the large bath at the nearby Hotel Crown Hills Onahama. Rental items such as toiletries and shampoo are available on the first floor. The breakfast venue was also on the first floor, and breakfast was a simple buffet. There were no baby chairs. I was happy to hear that the female staff working at the breakfast venue spoke kindly to the children. After asking the front desk about the parking lot, I parked in a parking lot near a commercial supermarket. I put the parking lot paper at the front of the car. You can reach Aeon Mall Onahama and Aquamarine Fukushima in about 12 minutes on foot. There was no one at the front desk when I checked out, so I put the key in the box and left.

  • けいけんいち



    There is a large public bath. Small bath with 3 showers The room is old, but it doesn't bother me. The good thing about this place is that it's cheap. Cosmetics, face wash, beauty water, drinking sticks, bath salts, coffee☕, and matches are available for self-service. We are also working hard on the breakfast buffet. Satisfied🈵😃✨ For consecutive weekday stays, I booked online for 5,700 yen on the first day, and 4,790 yen for last-minute reservations💨 Parking is free 5 minutes walk to mall and convenience store🏪 Onahama La La Mew Close to the market ✨💨

  • Gaku Nishimoto

    Gaku Nishimoto


    This is an old business hotel that was brought under the BBH group and has been renovated in various areas.The rooms are old, but they have been updated with individual air conditioning, lighting, etc., but the desks, clothes racks, etc. feel a little unsuitable for long-term stays. Masu. However, there is a bathhouse on the first floor (about 3 people can take a bath), two washing machines (only the dryer has a charge), and above all, there is a free breakfast.It is a shame that there is no fish, but the pattern of side dishes changes every day. It would be helpful if you could give me one. The parking lot is free (you can also park behind the business supermarket), and I think it's a sufficient facility for men to use for work. For women and families visiting for sightseeing, I think it would be better to pay a little more and stay at Crown Hills next door. The Wi-Fi connection may be slow for a while in the evening or night, but it connects quite well.

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