Kotoni Leaf Dental w Sapporo

JaponiaKotoni Leaf Dental



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Japan, 〒063-0804 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Nishi Ward, Nijūyonken 4 Jō, 1-chōme−2−20 2F サツドラ二十四軒店
kontakt telefon: +81 11-612-1000
strona internetowej: kotonileaf.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0780951, Longitude: 141.3110292

komentarze 5

  • 悠月



    My tooth was really hurting, so I looked for a place that would accept me on the same day, and the hospital accepted me. I'm going to the dentist for the first time in a few years, so I'll keep going and fix everything until they say, ``I have nothing to do!'' I decided to go there once a week for 5 months. The treatment details are below. ●Treatment for painful teeth The root of my lower molar tooth was abscessed and extraction was recommended, so I had the tooth extracted. Topical anesthesia + injection anesthesia. The injection anesthesia made my heart race and my whole body tremble, so when I told her that, she told me to wait until I calmed down and that she would use a different anesthesia next time. My heart won't be pounding from next time onwards. ●A needle-like instrument is inserted into the gap between the teeth and gums to check the depth of the gap and amount of bleeding. I was told that I was at risk for gingivitis, so I decided to undergo treatment for that as well. ●Remove tartar from all teeth to prevent gingivitis. The first time is to remove tartar from above the gums, and then it is divided into 6 times, 3 times each on the top and bottom, to remove the tartar between the gums. Removal of the gap is done under anesthesia, so there is no pain. ●There are several small cavities in the tooth, so I had them all removed and filled. 2 to 3 treatments at a time. Since it is small, no anesthesia is required. ●If you leave the extracted molars as they are, the upper molars, which have no one to bump into, will grow out, so you can choose between a bridge or a plant as a replacement for the molars. Since the plant is not covered by insurance, I was told it would cost 440,000 yen, so I was scared and chose the bridge, which cost about 12,000 yen. ●Both the left and right upper wisdom teeth are cavities, and if it doesn't cause any pain, you can leave it as is, but if it gets worse, extraction is recommended instead of treatment. If I was going to have to have the tooth pulled out anyway, I decided to get it pulled out quickly and undergo tooth extraction treatment. *Currently up to this point. ----- I can really tell that everyone is kind and considerate. If you tell them that your heart is pounding or that it hurts, they will respond kindly. They answered questions I didn't understand and made me feel at ease. The tooth extraction is done under full anesthesia, so the procedure is painless. He prescribes painkillers and anti-suppuration drugs every time, but since I have almost no pain after the tooth extraction, I told him that I don't need any painkillers because I have extra painkillers, and he only prescribes anti-suppuration drugs. He shows me the cavity he pulled out, so it's so dirty! ! That made me think from the bottom of my heart that I should take good care of my teeth. There's a Satsudora store downstairs, so you can buy care products and go home. The hospital is clean and you can get magazines and water, but the waiting time is short so I have never tried it. There is also a space for children to play, and there is also a gachagacha to reward them for their hard work. We're also open on Saturdays and Sundays, which is a big plus for employees who don't have much time off on weekdays! ! This is really helpful. It's on the 2nd floor, but there's also an elevator.

  • ロザンナロザンナ



    As an adult who doesn't like dentists, I felt safe going to this dentist, and since it's close to my home, I've been using the clinic ever since it opened. The doctors and assistants are very responsive and responsive, and they accept requests for urgent medical examinations, and I am grateful that there are consultations on Saturdays, Sundays, and at night. The interior of the hospital has a clean and bright atmosphere with mainly white colors, and there is a Satsudora store on the first floor, which is convenient for shopping on the way home from your doctor's appointment.

  • M



    We have been providing preventive dentistry and regular checkups for many years. Thanks to the kind teachers and courteous hygienists, even small children can attend without hesitation. There is a children's space, and you can also receive Gacha Gacha coins after the treatment, so it is a clinic recommended for small children. Examinations are in private rooms, so you can receive your treatment in peace, and the clinic is bright and hygienic. Of course, I feel that the treatment is accurate. There aren't many dentists that are open until late on weekdays or open on weekends, so I'm really grateful. Even if there is an emergency, they will respond on the same day, which is very helpful. If you make an online reservation, you will receive a phone call later to verbally confirm the date and time, and the reservation will be confirmed.

  • T D.

    T D.


    I go to Leaf Dental every time for dental check-ups, treatments, cleanings, etc. I have been going there ever since it opened, and Dr. Fujii and all the staff are polite, kind, and provide easy-to-understand explanations, and the whole family has been able to use the clinic. . It is easy to schedule the next appointment, and the number of treatments is not long.As for the treatment, the anesthesia is painless and children can be treated with peace of mind.Even after the treatment, they explain what was done each time, which is helpful. Although I live a little far away, I will continue to use Leaf Dental in the future.

  • s shin

    s shin


    I've been going to the clinic since it opened. When it opened, it was empty, but recently it has become a reservation system, probably because the teachers and staff are so good. If you try to treat in a short period of time, your next appointment may be crowded, but with careful treatment and explanations, you can receive treatment with peace of mind. We are open until relatively late on Saturdays, Sundays, and weekdays, so you can come to the clinic after work, which is helpful.

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