Kanoshika Shoni Dental Clinic w Sapporo

JaponiaKanoshika Shoni Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3 Chome-7 Nishino 5 Jo, Nishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0035, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-669-8211
strona internetowej: www.dentist-kanou.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0685326, Longitude: 141.2757345

komentarze 5

  • りぃ



    Not only the teachers, but everyone is very nice, and even when the children are crying and crying like my own, they don't show any disgust and talk to them kindly. He provides easy-to-understand explanations, which makes me feel at ease as a parent. There is also a playroom. After the event, the children are looking forward to drawing lots! I would like to continue coming here.

  • tomoe



    I thought the price for the first visit might be high, but the examination and X-rays seemed to be accurate, so from the second visit onwards it was normal. It's helpful because they're available until relatively late on weekdays. The doctors and staff are very kind and explain the treatment process in detail.

  • reosuke factory

    reosuke factory


  • 佐々木奈緒



    This is a dentist with a very thorough doctor and kind staff. There are toys and manga in the kids' area, so you won't get bored while waiting. The kids are always excited to go to the dentist because they get to win a lottery after their appointment! Best of all, the doctor's anesthesia doesn't hurt! The child did not notice the anesthesia injection and the tooth extraction was completed successfully! !

  • yuusaku



    I've been taking care of you ever since the clinic opened, and I think it's very nice and polite 👍

najbliższy Dentysta

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