Koseikai Clinics en Toyohashi

JapónKoseikai Clinics



🕗 horarios

137 Azumachō, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0045, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 532-61-3166
sitio web: www.koseikai-hp.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7632176, Longitude: 137.4145777

comentarios 5

  • tamy shirota

    tamy shirota


    Foi o pior hospital que já fui em toda minha vida! Sou obrigada a dar 01 estrela porque não tem como colocar 0. A tradutora é a pessoa mais desprezível que já conheci, ela se recusa a passar o seu relato ao médico, te trata muito mal, é grosseira, antiética, ela que dá o diagnóstico e se recusa a passar as informações dos sintomas ao médico. Você entra doente e sai pior, sem exame, sem diagnóstico, sem remédio para os sintomas, e sai revoltada porque pagou caro para ser mau atendida. Vi que existem inúmeras reclamações a respeito dela e o hospital nada faz à respeito. Ela quer receber salário do hospital sem ter que executar um trabalho minimamente aceitável. Se eu fosse relatar tudo o que ela fez pra mim o texto ficaria muito maior. Estrangeiros, evitem esse hospital pois sua saúde corre risco com um atendimento tão péssimo.

  • ま


    The female gynecologist doctor is unfriendly, silent, and scary. When I asked him a question, he responded in such an angry tone that I almost cried on the way home... I felt very sad about this kind of attitude, as I was nervous and mustered up the courage to go. Isn't it a doctor's job to be close to the patient? The nurse was kind and very kind.

  • Monica Miyashiro

    Monica Miyashiro


    Terrible service from the Portuguese translator. She advises patients to avoid coming to the clinic because it's busy and instead go elsewhere and see another specialist. It seems that they are refusing to respond in order to reduce their workload. Japanese reception staff are very stupid towards foreigners.

  • 松平由宇



    There are gentle and kind teachers, nurses, and staff. I am very grateful to those people, and above all, I have been taking care of them for over 30 years since my grandmother's generation, and I have always trusted them...However, I am very grateful to those people, and I have always trusted them. Everything was shattered by unresponsive and heartless words and a response that could only be described as cruel. That may certainly be the case...or rather, it may be...But, you know, the way we respond to patients and their families who are suffering from a series of misfortunes, regardless of whether it's a rule or a righteous argument, is inflexible. can only be described as brutal violence without blood or tears. I felt humiliated, as if I had been coaxed into confessing to a crime I didn't commit under some kind of threat. I can only assume that in the end, they had no intention of listening to the patient's and family's circumstances or their earnest wishes. This is the second time I've been subjected to the same treatment. It is truly heartless to be so accommodating and accommodating to the circumstances and feelings of patients and their families who are completely injured. It's too cruel. All I can do now is hope that he will be welcomed by a caring system at his new hospital, and that he will be able to live a stress-free life and return home healthy.

  • 聖矢



    The inpatient ward is clean and relatively respectable. The area around the nurse's station is a bit cluttered. All the nurses are kind. They respond quickly and there are many beautiful people. The doctor is also satisfied. They will explain it thoroughly. The outpatient clinic is very crowded in the morning.

El hospital más cercano

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